Download SGBAU BSc 2019 Summer 4th Sem Computer Application Advanced VB n RDBMS Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 4th Sem Computer Application Advanced VB n RDBMS Previous Question Paper

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B.Sc. (Part?II) Scmester?IV Examination
(Advanced VB and RDBMS)
: 'lhree Hours] [Maximum Marks 2 80
Note :? (1) Question N0. 1 is compulsory.
(2) Question N0. 2 to 13 carry equal marks.
(3) Assume suitable data wherever necessary.
Fill in the blanks :
(i) 'lhe __ is a list of all the printers on your applications PC.
(ii) The _7-? propeny to connect the data control to the database.
(iii) SQL security scheme is based on *
(iv) Manipulation can be made by the _ commands into the database. 2
Choose the correct altemativcs :
(i) _,, is used to begin printing the form immediately.
(21) Load Form (b) Print Form
(c) Form Print (d) All of the above
(ii) The __ _< statement tells VB to temporarily put on hold the running procedure.
(3) Goto (b) Call
(c) While (d) Jump
(iii) [11 SQL ___,A _ is a tool for giving the detail information of form.
(a) Report (b) Form Report
(c) Form Run (d) None of the above
(iv) The attribute that always evaluates to false in case of implicit cursor is :
(c) ?/6 NOT FOUND (d) %7.SOPG 2
Answer in one sentence :
(i) What is cursor ?
(ii) What is ROLE '.?
(iii) What is global variable 7
(iv) What is scaling output ?
Explain passing data by reference and value.
What is meant by design time and run time properties ? Explain.
YBC? 15295 1 (Contd.)

YBC ?15295
Explain VB programme s?ructurcs in detail.
What is (iiencral Pmccdur: ?1? prlain procedure of calling Genera Procedure.
Explain how Database and \"B are related.
Explain various methods nl? Dela Controlv
Explain advanced dntabzw: control.
Write a program in VB tc comma employee datahasc using, Data Control.
Explain printing on the pximcr okjcct,
Explain scaling output wi 11 IhL-ir properties.
Explain the term printing the llmns?
Write a VB code to print ?V'isual Basic? on form using Print Mcll?od.
Explain the Attributes of L?Lu?bors with example.
Explain COMMIT and RULLBAC?K transaction commands in PLCSQL
Explain control stmcturc used n PL'SQL.
lixplain, "low to crcate? open. Iclch cursor using suitable example.
Ho? to create user ?7 Explain with example.
What is meant by column pawn; privilege 7? Explain.
What do you mean by privilcgcs .7 Fxpldin 5} stem prix?ilugc.
Explain uses of mlc in databmuz
Explain Dynamic SQL wi'h ex?unplc.
Explain editing and entering data wing form,
What are advantages; of SQL '~ f?r-rm "
Explain difference 01? Static 31;? 21nd Dmamic SQL.

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020