Download SGBAU BSc 2019 Summer 4th Sem Forensic Science Forensic Biology Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 4th Sem Forensic Science Forensic Biology Previous Question Paper

Time : Three Hours]
A\V'?l 734
B.Sc. (Parl?II) Semester?IV Examination
(Forensic Biology)
Note :? (1) All questions are compulsory.
(2) Q. No. 1 carries 8 marks and remaining question carry 12 marks each.
(3) Illustrate your answers will wcll labelled diagrams wherever necessary.
Fill in the blanks :?
(i) The term cell was coined by _____
(ii) The membrane around the vacuole is called _-g 7_
(iii) Viruses that attack bacteria is commonly called as ,
(iv) A mutation which occurs due to addition of extranucleotide is called _,, >
C hoose correct alternative from the following :?
(i) A reliable evidence of sex identi?cation is n >
(21) External sexual character (b) Sex Hormone. level
(c) Presence of ovary & testis ((1) Sexual behaviour
(ii) Blue line on the gums indicates poisoning with
(a) Mercury (b) Lead
(c) Cadmium (d) Arsenic
(iii) The best bones for determining sex are :
(a) Skull and long bones (b) Skull and Pelvis
(c) Pelvis and long bones (d) Sternum and long bone
(iv) Sign of general violence in raped female victim is ?
(a) Hair disarrangemcnt (b) Tears in clothes
(0) Nail abrasions around mouth (d) Abrasion in inner side of thigh
Answer in ONE sentence :
(i) Vectors are ?
(ii) Carbon dating technique is developed by ?2
(iii) Sodomy means ?.?
(iv) W hat is Asphatia ?
Describe the following :?
Prokaryotic cell.
Liquid component of blood.
EM. Structure of Neuron (diagram only)
YBC?I 5302 1
[Maximum Marks : 80

(1)) Receptor organs.
(q) C ardiac mcchanism.
(r1) Cell theory.
Explain recognition of Biological cvixrlcnccs cncountered in various cases
Explain Biodefence and Biotemcism
Explain in brief :H
(a) R-DNA ttrchnology by bac:cri:11 transformation method.
(b) Southern blotting.
(c) Vaginal ?uid and urine as a smncc of investigation.
(p) \Veslem blotting.
(q) Blood gruup.
(r) Human hair morphology.
Describe thc following :
(a) Estimaticn onge and Sen.
(b) Facial reconstruction.
(c) VNTR.
(p) Estimation 01' time since dcalh.
(q) Asphyxia.
(r) RAPD.
Explain in dcmil estimation ofIimc nt?death m'th forensic cnlomology.
Techniques for dating specimens using plant material and dendmchrono ogy.
Describe the following :?
(21) Write the dit?fcrcnccs between mir of human and other animal.
(b) Pugmarks ofvariour; animals.
(c) Anthropological artefacts.
Describe in bric!? :?
(p) Bone 0f 1111112111 and other animal.
(q) Modem method for identi?cation 01? teeth.
(r) Genetics ofABO.
15302 ?

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020