Download SGBAU BSc 2019 Summer 4th Sem Geology Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 4th Sem Geology Previous Question Paper

AVV?l 715
B.Sc. (Part?II) Scmcstcr??lV Examination
4S : GEOLOGY (Old) (Upto Summcr?2020)
Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80
NB. :? (1) ALL the questions are compulsory.
(2) Draw neat diagram wherever necessary.
(A) Fill in the blanks :
(i) Bauxite is ore of .............
(ii) Cupritc is the ore mineral 0f ...........
(iii) L'ttatur formation belongs to ...........
(iv) The Bombay High deposits of oil lie in ........... Sea. 2
Choose the correct altemative :
(i) The age of Deccan Trap is :
(a) Tertiary (b) Upper Cretaceous to Eocene
(c) Precambrian (d) Devonian 10 Silurian
(ii) Which of the following belongs to Jurassic of Kutch ?
(a) Niniyar (b) Uttatur
(c) Katrol and Umia (d) Keuper
(iii) The Khetri Copper belt of Rajasthan is situated in :
(a) Ajmcr district (b) Jaipur and Jabalpur district
(c) Surat and Ahcmdabad district (d) Jhunjun and Sikar district
(iv) Which of the following belongs to Gondwana supergroup ?
(a) Kistana and Cheyair (b) Rajmahal and Mahadeva
(c) Papaghani and Nallamla (d) Ajabghar and Alwar 2
Answer the following in one or two sentences :
(i) What are the uses of Gypsum ?
(ii) What is leeward ?
(iii) What is anthracite coal ?
(iv) What is bagh beds ? 4
Describe the mineralogy, origin? geological occuncncc, use and geographical distribution of
copper deposits in India. 12
Describe the mineralogy, origin, geological occurrence, use and geographical distribution of
manganese deposits in India. 12
Explain the following :
(A) Geographical distribution and use of Mica. 4
(B) Mineralogy and use ofAsbestos. 4
(C) Origin of Petroleum. 4
. OR
(P) Limestone 4
(Q) Origin and occurrence of magnesite 4
(R) Origin of coal. 4
YBC715286 1 (Comd.)

4. Explain the followng :
(A) Near-shure-c11vironment
(B) Projective analysis
(C) Types 01? dunes
(P) Paragcnt-tic diagram
(Q) Delta formation
(R) Glacial deposits.
5. Explain the following :
(A) Autometamorphism
(B) Pncumatolytic metamorphism
(C) Injection metamorphism
(P) Dynamothcrmal metamorphism
(Q) Product of plutonic mclmnorphtsm
('R) Thermal metamorphism.
6. Explain the following :
(A) Intertrappcan
(B) Geographical distribution of Deccan trap
(C) Lithological characteristic of Liondwuna supergmup
(P) Classi?cation of (jamiwma Rlpergmup
(Q) Lithological characteristic 01? ?Jcccan trap
(R) Economic importance 01? Dcccan (mp.
7. Describe in detail crctaceous af \lu'madgx Valley and Trichanapally.
Describe in detail Jurassic 0f Spili and Jurassic 0f Kulch.

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020