Download SGBAU BSc 2019 Summer 4th Sem Microbiology Medical Microbiology Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 4th Sem Microbiology Medical Microbiology Previous Question Paper

AW?l 728
B.Sc. (Part?II) Semestcr?IV Examination
(Medical Microbiology)
Time : Thxcc Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80
Note :?(1) All questions are compulsory.
(2) Draw well labcllcd diagrams wherever necessary.
1. (21) Fill in the blanks:
(i) Antibody molecule is made up of four __ chains.
(ii) __ is a death of tissue by absorption of toxins.
(iii) Virus replication in cell is inhibited by a protein called __
(iv) Streptomycin is useful as spectrum antibiotic. 2
(b) Choose the correct alternative :
(i) Cholera is a __ borne disease.
(a) Vector (b) Soil
(c) Water (d) Air
(ii) Coomb?s test is an example of :
(a) Precipitation (b) C FT
(c) Agglutinalion (d) None of the above
(iii) Immunity acquired by foetus from mother is called as :
(a) Racial (b) Species
(c) Herd (d) Transplaoental
(iv) Genetic material in HIV is :
(a) S.S.RNA (b) D.S.RNA
(c) S.S.DNA (d) D.SDNA 2
(0) Answer in one sentence each :
(1) De?ne focal infection.
(ii) Give the long form of ELISA.
(iii) Give the long form of CLSI.
(iv) De?ne haemolysins.
2. (a) Describe vector transmission with suitable example.
(b) Describe normal ?ora of intestinal tract.
(0) DitTercntiate between pathogenicity and virulence.
YBCW 16541 1 (Contd.)

(d) Describe vehicle transmission with suitable example. 4
(c) Differentiate between cxotoxin and endotoxin. 4
(0 Describe normal ?ora of upper respiratory tract. 4
3. (3) Explain delayed type of hjyrperssnsitivity. 4
(1)) Explain active immunity. 4
(c) Enlist cells and organs of immune system. 4
(d) Explain Type H-hypcrsensitivit} 4
(6) Explain general non-speci?c factors. 4
(I) Differentiate between T?Iymphoc'?es and B-Iymphocznes, 4
4. (3) Describe in brief structure oi?lgM. 4
(b) Complement ?xation test 4
(c) Write the properties of antigen. 4
(d) Describe in brief structure of lgC?L 4
(c) Explain in brief agglutination reaction. 4
(t) Explain monoclonal antibodies 4
5. Describe morphology, culmml c1 lamctcristics. pathogenicit) and laboratory diagnosis of staphylococcus
aureus. 12
Describe morphology, cultural Characteristics, pathogenicity and laboratom' diagnosis ofsalmonclla
typhi. 12
6. Describe the structure. transmission, pathogenesis and preventive meas ures of HIV virus. 12
What do you mean by hydrophobia ? Describe in detail morphology, tral Lsmission and symptoms
in man and laboratory diagnosis of Rabies virus. 12
7. (a) Explain inhibition ofcell wall synthesis. 4
(b) Explain Kirby?Baucr Meihod. 4
(c) Draw well labelled diagram of different mechanisms of antibiotic action. 4
(d) Describe mode ofaction ~\fGriseofulvin.
(6) Explain inhibition ofprou-in synthesis.
(1) Explain broth micmdilutinn test. 4
YBC~?l6541 2

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020