Download SGBAU BSc 2019 Summer 4th Sem Petrochemical Science Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 4th Sem Petrochemical Science Previous Question Paper

Time :
B.Sc. (Part?II) Semester?IV Examination
3 Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80
Note :? (1) Question No.1 is compulsory.
(2) Remaining six questions carry 12 marks each.
(3) Give chemical equations and draw diagrams wherever necessmy.
Fill in the blanks : 5.94:2
(i?) Direct chlorination of ethylene follows mechanism.
(ii) is obtained bx hydrolysis of ethylene.
(iii) Isoprene IS monomer of a 7
(iv) Butadienc reacts with sulfur dioxide in liquid phase to give
Choose correct altemativc ; '/2><4'?2
(i) The Cuprous Oxide is regenerated by
(a) Nitrogen (b) Carbon Monoxide
(c) Oxygen (d) Carbon dioxide
(ii) The crude vinyl acetate absorbed in aq.acetic acid is recovered by
(a) Simple distillation (b) Extractive distillation
(c) Azcotropic distillation (d) Desmlctive distillation
(iii) The yield of acetone from isopropyl alcohol is about
(a) 78% (b) 90%
(c) 98% (d) 95%
(iv) __ is obtained from benzene, toluene and phenol in chemical industry.
Answer in one sentence : 1><4=4
(i) Name the catalyst used in Wacker's process.
(ii) Which process is utilized to purify the crude ethylene glycol ?
(iii) What is the solubility of propylene oxide in water ?
(iv) What is the boiling point of DMT ?
(A) Why is integrated route used for production of vinyl chloride monomer ?? Also give their
advantages over old route. 6
(B) Describe Wacker process for manufacture of \"AM with respect to their chemistry and
process parameter. (3
(P) Describe role of PdCl2 and CuCl2 catalyst in the production of acetaldehyde. Which
operating conditions are needed for this ? 6
(Q) Indirect hydration of ethylene gives ethanol. Describe the chemistry ; process parameter
involved with uses of ethanol. 6
(A) C ompare direct oxidation process Vs Chlorohydrin process for production of ethylene oxide.
(B) Describe hydrolysis process for production of ethylene glycol with respect to their chemistry
and also give the uses of ethylene glycol. 6
15285 1 (Contd.)

5. (P) Describe cthylt-uc OXidc? niai'm?acture process by using metallx silxcr catalyst in detail,
(Q) Ethanol amine is a gnod solvent for chcmical industries. Discuss the industrial production
of same with respect [U cliefnistr) and process parameter: involved. 6
6. (A?) \Vhy promicnu cannot h: ?Aaaily oxidizcd to propylene oxide ? Describe (Thlorohydrin route
for production at" prup?cnu oxide with rcspcct to the chemistry involved and process
parameter adopted. 6
(B) Describe in bricf direct Articlntion prorcss 1hr production of zcctonc. Now which route is
mori: popular tor QCL?iiJHC synthesis \\ k1} '.? (3
7. IP) Draw and discuss wi?h label ?ow diagram for acrylonitrilc synthesis process developed by
Sohio with process parnnutcr, chemis'iry involved. 8
(Q) Give: the uses (if iblloix'ing ?
(i) [SOpropyl alcohol '2
(ii) Propylene oxide. 2
8. (A) Describe chloruprcne production from hutadienc route in detail; write the adVantagcs 01'Lhis
route. over other. 6
(B) Give the chemistry and pi?otcss parameter required for prop?y'lene dimcrizution route for
production 01' isoprere in detail. 0
9. (P) Discuss lsoprcne production by using acctone~acetylcnc as riw material with respect to
procass ?ow in detai . 10
1Q) Sulpholane is one of the important derivativcs of butadien3. Write the chemistry and
openting paramctcrs invclxcd in this. 2
10. (A) DeStribe phenol production in brief h}; usino (fumcnc route with chemistry involved. 6
(B) Capmlactum monomer is obtained in industry from three i'ccd stocks : benzene, toluene and
phenol by various prnccssm. Describe bcxucnc route for prod Action of caprolactam. 6
11. (P) Describe the ammorulysis of phenol for production of aniline with respect to their
chemistry. process pa?sitiictcr and their uscs. 6
(Q) Discuss vapor phas: :itii iiquid phase process for prodJCtion of phenol through
chlorobenzcnc with I?thf?C?C? to their chemistry and process parameter required. 6
12. (A) Phtlmlic anhydridt- initialiy manufactued by oxidation of napttalcnc. Describe this process
with respect to their (hemistry, process parameter and uses. ()
(B) Describe dimethyl {C'LTPillilitiilL? production with their chemistry and process parameter
involved by using p-.\ ylciit (LS a feed 6
13 (P) Tercphthalic acid is usm i?t?r productiuu 01' terylene. Describe 1 Dray Industries process with
respect to process ?ow and process parameter. 6
(Q) Discuss the recent de?xclopiiicnts in the : 6
(i) DMT Synthmis
(ii) FPA Synthesis.
YBC -15285

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020