Download SGBAU BSc 2019 Summer 5th Sem Cheistry Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 5th Sem Cheistry Previous Question Paper

B.Sc. (Part?III) Scmcstcr?V Examination
Tune : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80
Note :?(1) Question No. l is compulsory.
(2) Solve ONE question from each unit.
(3) Draw diagrams and give equations wherever necessary.
(4) Use 01? calculator is allowed.
Fill in the blanks :
(i) The ligand that has four donor atoms for bonding is called
(ii) Pyridine is __ membered heterocyclic compound.
(iii) A chromogcn without can never act as a dye.
(iv) The reactions taking place in presence of light are called __ reactions. 2
Select the correct altcmulive :
(i) Which oflhc following complex ion has highest crystal ?cld splitting A0 valuc :
(a) [Co(HIO)G]3? (b) |Ni(HzO)?]3?
(C) [RMNHJOP? (d) [II?CNIL)(,J"'
(ii) Tea tree oil can be used as :
(a) Insecticide (b) Herbicidc
(c) Fungicidc (d) Rodcnlicidc
(iii) Photosynthesis ol'carbohydrates in plums from CO1 and ?:0 is example of:
(a) l-?luorcsccncc (b) Phosplwrcsccucc
(c) Photoscnsitizcd reactions (d) Dark reaction
(iv) Which of the following molecule shows highest force constant ?
(a) C-?-C (b) C~(c) C E (? (d) C ? H
Answer in one sentence each :
(i) What is coordination number ?
(ii) What is [.apone orbital selection rule ?
(iii) What is Chinchibahin reaction ?.?
(iv) De?ne quantum yield. 4
YBC?l 5307 I (C ontd.)

2. (a) Discuss geometrical isomeris-n cxhibiled by [Ma?bzl and [M(AALbjl complexes. 4
(b) Discuss optical isomcrism exhibited by lMubcd] 21nd [M(AA)2J complexes. 4
(c) Expldin the following Ienm \\ 11h suitable examples :
(i) Et?fcclix'e ammic numbcr
(ii) Ligand. 4
3 (p) Discuss Sidwick?s electronics imerprctzuion 01' co-ordinalion complexes. 4
(q) Calculate l-ZAN in tho {0150\in g :
(i) Il?c(CN)(.]?
(ii) [(?r(1\'ll1)?]". 4
(r) On the basis of VB?I? discuss structure of [Co(Nl-l?mz?. 4
4 (21) Write di?'crcnt pustulmes ofawiul ?eld Ihcury. 4
(b) Explain Russellr?Sziumicrx~ (I %) Coupling Scheme. 4
(c) Calculate CFSIC for [($11 I [?0 U" High Spin Complex if .\?J = 13900 cm" and
P = 23500 cm ?. 4
5. (p) Explain crystal ?eld splining ofd orbitals in nctahcdral complexes. 4
(q) Discuss Orgel diagram for d' Lmd d9 ()clahcdral complexes. 4
(r) Write diTTcrent types ('ut?ahsur?plion Spcctra. 4
6. (3) Write method ol?synlhcsi:~. ot? pyrmlc from :
(i) Succinimidc
(ii) Furzm. 4
(b) Discuss orientation ofnuclcophilig substitution in Pyridinc. 4
(c) How wil- you prepare l?1h1uw and l-Bulcnc from mcthy! magncsium bromide. 4
7. (p) Describe acidic and tusic nature of pyrrolc. 4
(q) WriIc synthesis ol'mcthyl lithium and how i? reacts with (i) water (ii) formaldehyde. 4
(r) How win you convert pyridine m the l'ollowing :
(i) 3-nilrnpyridine
(ii) Pyridine 3-sulphonic acid ? 4
YBC?15307 2 (Contd.)

8 (a) Give preparation and uses of methyl orange. 4
(b) Describe synthesis and uses of phenylbulazone.
(c) Give method ot?prcparution 0f 'I?hiram.
9 (p) Give the classi?cation ofdycs on the basis oftheir mode of application. 4
(q) Write synthesis and uses of chloroquine.
(r) Give method ot?synthcsis ol?Malthion and its uses.
10. (:1) Give statement of Lambcrl?s law and derive its equation. 4
(b) Explain phenomena 01' ? uorcsccncc and phosphorescence with the help ol'Jablonski
diagram. 4
(c) A substance whcn dissolved in water at 10?3 M concentration absorbs 10% of an incident
radiation in a path of 1 cm length. What shOuld be the concentration oflhc solution in order
to absorb 90% 01? the same incident radiation '.? 4
1 l. (p) Explain kinetics of photochemical decomposition of III. 4
(q) Write dillbrcncc between thermal and photochemical reactions. 4
(1') Light of intensity 3.2 X 10?? cinstcirL/scc falls 0n the surface ofa crystal'whosc absorption
coef?cient is 3 x IO" cm ' at the cenain wavelength ol'light. Calculate the intensity oflight
at a depth of 100A below the surface of the crystal. 4
12. (3) Explain energy level diagram for a simple harmonic oscillator. 4
(b) Explain rotational Raman spectrum of diatomic molecule. 4
(c) The pure rotational spectrum of gaseous HC] contains a series of equally spaced lines
separated by 20.80 cm?. Calculate 1hc intcrnuclcar distance of the molecule. The
atomic masses 01? II and C1 are 1.673 X 10 17 kg and 58.06 X 10 27 kg respectively.
(h = 6.626 X 10 ?4 JS?). 4
13. (p) What is electromagnetic radiation '? Give its different parameters.
(q) Derive an expression for moment ol?incrlia of? diatomic molecule.
(r) Calculate rotational and vibrational degree of freedom for C0? and HIO. 4
YBCA??153U7 3 525

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020