Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 5th Sem Food Science Food Processing I Previous Question Paper
B.Sc. (Part?III) Scmcstcr?V Examination
(Food l?rnccssing?l)
'l?imc : 'l?hrcc Iloursl [Maximum Marks : 80
Note :??(1) All questions 'cll?C compulsory.
(2) Q. N0. 2 t0 7 carry equal marks.
(3) Draw a diagram/?owchart wherever necessary.
1. (A) Fill in the blanks :
(i) Weaning food is another name for _ _. (baby foodr?protcin food)
(ii) Cereals are rich sourccs 0f _. (carbohydrates/proteins)
(iii) Flavor improvers are _. (additives?preservatives)
(iv) Oils contains mainly __ fatty acids. (salurmed/unsalurextcd) 2
(B) Choose the correct alternative :
(i) Baking is a method used to cook :
(at) Rice (b) chun?lcs
(c) Soysaucc (d) Biscuit
(ii) k _ utensils cannot be used in microwave oven.
(:1) Metal (17) (313:5
(cl) Paper (d) None of the above
(iii) Removal of skins from vegetables is _ _
(8) Cutting (b) 'l?rimming
(c) Peeling (d) Grating
(iv) __ is the main ingredient of hard boiled candics.
(:1) Salt (b) Sugar
(c) Starch (d) Acid 2
(C) Answer in one sentence :
(i) What is Paddy '?
(ii) What is steaming 7 Give an example.
(iii) What kind 01' radiations are used for microwave cooking ?.?
(iv) Dc?nc speciality food. 4
2. Classify cooking mclhods. Givc the advantages and disadvanlagcs of at least two methods
in each class. 12
Explain microwave oven. Give details about mo of nmterial of utensils. Give advantages
and disadxl'amages. 12
YBC?15322 l ((fomd.)
5. (A)
4. (A)
5. (A)
(L (A)
How is the panel of jvldgcs ?r sensor): emulation selected ?7
Discuss the sanitation pannucwrs in fwd plum.
What is personal hygicnc '7
Cline Quality. \tht .?LZ'C I'm smrccs oz? C'onlamnzmiion '?
Whui is HACCP ?.? (Lac {rigcipies
What are the types of {6:15 inwlvcd in SCI?.?
Draw a ?ow diagram Shanxing dry utilling nf com
Explain milling of lcgnmus.
What are the various whvut Lr'illing products ??
What are Lhe fucxors Ihal dacmiine the quality 01? what '7 Draw sIruclurc of wheat
Enlist the various cereals sud lcnges impmtant in India. Give processing ofany one.
Discuss the composition nt' lipids.
Explain hydrogL-nation of oils uith cxamplw.
Explain rc?ning of oil 21111 its importance
Discuss physical 3:11 chcxt1iczl yropertics ?';:11}? N0) of mils in brief.
What are the steps znvolwd i1 prcpuraLion of oil sccds before oil extraction ?
What are the various :netmds or oil chraclion ?7 Explain any one.
What arc the main mgrcdicxzts 01? bread making " Discuss the fmctions 0f each.
What are paslrics ?1? Give its pwparaiion.
Discuss 11c munuf?acluring. ui' \ hncnlz?ucs
Explain cookies. Giwc its nmtullacmring.
PVNetin preparation o1 cal.c.
Explain preparation of hard boiled cunfccmmerics.
What are additivcs ? Giw 11cc}. .m. mpmlancc. Explain non?nulritivc sweeteners.
De?ne speciality food, functional fwi, health fund cmd baby food. Give the scope and
importance 01~ functional food md w?Lumixtg food.
This post was last modified on 10 February 2020