Download SGBAU BSc 2019 Summer 5th Sem Forensic Science Forensic Psychology Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 5th Sem Forensic Science Forensic Psychology Previous Question Paper

B.Sc. (Part?III) Semester?V Examination
(F orensic Psychology)
Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80
Note :?(1) All questions are compulsory.
(2) Question No. l carries 8 marks while remaining questions carry 12 marks each.
(3) Draw diagram and write equations wherever necessary.
Fill in the blanks :
(i) American Psychological Association (APA) gives the ethical code of conduct for
psychologist in the year _ _
(ii) Drug which is used in the process of Narco analysis is called as _
(iii) DSM stands for _.
(iv) EGO is based on the principle of ?_.
Multiple choice questions :
(i) Where was the narco-analysis test used for the purpose to extract information '7
(A) Arushi-Hemraj Double Murder Case
(B) Nithari Hatyakand
(C) Godhara Kand
(a) Only (A) (b) (B) & (C)
(c) (A), (B) & (C) (d) None
(ii) "TOPOGRAPHICAL" model of personality was given by :
(a) Sigmund Freud (b) Allport
(c) Eysenk (d) Rogger
(iii) Which of the following personality disorders is most common in our society ?
(a) ADHD (b) Schizophrenia
(c) Antisocial Personality Disorder (d) Odd-eccentric Personality Disorder
(iv) Necrophilia is the term related to :
(a) Sexual Intercourse with dead person
(b) Sexual Intercourse with animals
(c) Sexual Intercourse with live person
(d) None of the above 2
Answer in one sentence :
(i) De?ne Forensic Psychology.
(ii) What is truth serum ? Give any two examples.
(iii) What is adultery ?
(iv) De?ne stress. 4
YBC?15327 ? 1 (Contdi)

2. (A) What is Psychology 2? Describe the history of psychology. 5
(B) What ar: the goals of psychnlugy ? 4
(C) Explain any two p5) chow; tail professions. 3
3. (P) Explain psychodynttmic pcrspcnix'e of human behaviour. 3
(Q) What is interview ?.? What (tr: the type; of interview ?? 3
(R) What is APA code 01' condtut for psyhologist ?2 3
(S) What are the advantages of (?brCIleiUll uxcr other psyhological research methods ?
4 (A) De?ne Personality Explain t'ie A/lporl's view of personality.
(B) Explain ID. EGO and SUPER EGO with suitable example.
(C) What ar: the methods for assusmcnt 01' personality ?3
5. (P) Explain 'I'OPOGRAPHIC'I/ rnodcl of personality with suitable example. 3
(Q) What is Locus of control 1? l'ixplain social learning theory. 3
(?R?) Describe projectiw lcchniquus. 3
('8') What arc the applzcations of personality test in t'orcnsic scient?e 7 3
6. (A) What is forensic psycholog} ? Explain historical development of forcnsic psychology.
(B) Explain role of forensic psynology in law. 4
(C) What an: the factors that ilithCt attorncy on trial '.? Write dowr. the solutions. 4
7 (P) De?ne l-?orensic Psycho 0g}. What is the scope of forensic rsycholngy in criminal
cases ? 3
(0'! De?ne Tiyewitncss testimony. What arc the factors that affect t-yewitness testimony ??
(R) Effect 01' police procedure m. trial, explain. 3
(S) As a t?orsnsic psychoiogvst. haw will you solve the child dispute C'dSC ?? 3
8. (A) What is stress ?? Explain alm 11 types of stressors. 4
(B) What are the stress coping tuchniques ?7 4
(C) Write down the symptoms of any one anxious-feur/iz/ personalit} disardcr. Also explain
its solutions. 4
YBC?15327 ?
- (.Contd.)

9. (P) What is dramatic-cmotional personality disorder 17 Explain anIi-social personality disorder.
(Q) What arc the treatments for anti-social personality disorder ? 3
(R) What are the postulates of paranoid personality disorder ? 3
(S) How m?ll you treat personality disorder ? i 3
10. (A) What is forensic psychology ? Explain importance of forensic psychology. 4
(B) Explain antisocial personality disorder with suitable example. 4
(C) What is substance abuse ? Explain its treatment. 4
11. (P) What are the psychological factors that affect deliqucncy 7 3
(Q) De?ne any three sexual disorders. 3
(R) What is ADHD ?? Explain its treatment. 3
(S) Enlist most popular substances that are used for substance abuse in your State. Explain
any two in detail. 3
12. (A) What is Narco-analysis lest ? Explain it in detail with its legal status in India. 6
(B) Explain criminal pro?ling in detail. 6
13. (1?) What is psychological autopsy '3 Explain its application in forensic science. 3
(Q) Explain Lie-dctcction technique in detail. 1
(R) What is child abuse ? Explain its types. 3
(S) What are the steps you can take to reduce domestic violence from our society ?2
YBC~ l

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020