Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 5th Sem Forensic Science Forensic Psychology Previous Question Paper
B.Sc. (Part?III) Semester?V Examination
(F orensic Psychology)
Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80
Note :?(1) All questions are compulsory.
(2) Question No. l carries 8 marks while remaining questions carry 12 marks each.
(3) Draw diagram and write equations wherever necessary.
Fill in the blanks :
(i) American Psychological Association (APA) gives the ethical code of conduct for
psychologist in the year _ _
(ii) Drug which is used in the process of Narco analysis is called as _
(iii) DSM stands for _.
(iv) EGO is based on the principle of ?_.
Multiple choice questions :
(i) Where was the narco-analysis test used for the purpose to extract information '7
(A) Arushi-Hemraj Double Murder Case
(B) Nithari Hatyakand
(C) Godhara Kand
(a) Only (A) (b) (B) & (C)
(c) (A), (B) & (C) (d) None
(ii) "TOPOGRAPHICAL" model of personality was given by :
(a) Sigmund Freud (b) Allport
(c) Eysenk (d) Rogger
(iii) Which of the following personality disorders is most common in our society ?
(a) ADHD (b) Schizophrenia
(c) Antisocial Personality Disorder (d) Odd-eccentric Personality Disorder
(iv) Necrophilia is the term related to :
(a) Sexual Intercourse with dead person
(b) Sexual Intercourse with animals
(c) Sexual Intercourse with live person
(d) None of the above 2
Answer in one sentence :
(i) De?ne Forensic Psychology.
(ii) What is truth serum ? Give any two examples.
(iii) What is adultery ?
(iv) De?ne stress. 4
YBC?15327 ? 1 (Contdi)
2. (A) What is Psychology 2? Describe the history of psychology. 5
(B) What ar: the goals of psychnlugy ? 4
(C) Explain any two p5) chow; tail professions. 3
3. (P) Explain psychodynttmic pcrspcnix'e of human behaviour. 3
(Q) What is interview ?.? What (tr: the type; of interview ?? 3
(R) What is APA code 01' condtut for psyhologist ?2 3
(S) What are the advantages of (?brCIleiUll uxcr other psyhological research methods ?
4 (A) De?ne Personality Explain t'ie A/lporl's view of personality.
(B) Explain ID. EGO and SUPER EGO with suitable example.
(C) What ar: the methods for assusmcnt 01' personality ?3
5. (P) Explain 'I'OPOGRAPHIC'I/ rnodcl of personality with suitable example. 3
(Q) What is Locus of control 1? l'ixplain social learning theory. 3
(?R?) Describe projectiw lcchniquus. 3
('8') What arc the applzcations of personality test in t'orcnsic scient?e 7 3
6. (A) What is forensic psycholog} ? Explain historical development of forcnsic psychology.
(B) Explain role of forensic psynology in law. 4
(C) What an: the factors that ilithCt attorncy on trial '.? Write dowr. the solutions. 4
7 (P) De?ne l-?orensic Psycho 0g}. What is the scope of forensic rsycholngy in criminal
cases ? 3
(0'! De?ne Tiyewitncss testimony. What arc the factors that affect t-yewitness testimony ??
(R) Effect 01' police procedure m. trial, explain. 3
(S) As a t?orsnsic psychoiogvst. haw will you solve the child dispute C'dSC ?? 3
8. (A) What is stress ?? Explain alm 11 types of stressors. 4
(B) What are the stress coping tuchniques ?7 4
(C) Write down the symptoms of any one anxious-feur/iz/ personalit} disardcr. Also explain
its solutions. 4
YBC?15327 ?
- (.Contd.)
9. (P) What is dramatic-cmotional personality disorder 17 Explain anIi-social personality disorder.
(Q) What arc the treatments for anti-social personality disorder ? 3
(R) What are the postulates of paranoid personality disorder ? 3
(S) How m?ll you treat personality disorder ? i 3
10. (A) What is forensic psychology ? Explain importance of forensic psychology. 4
(B) Explain antisocial personality disorder with suitable example. 4
(C) What is substance abuse ? Explain its treatment. 4
11. (P) What are the psychological factors that affect deliqucncy 7 3
(Q) De?ne any three sexual disorders. 3
(R) What is ADHD ?? Explain its treatment. 3
(S) Enlist most popular substances that are used for substance abuse in your State. Explain
any two in detail. 3
12. (A) What is Narco-analysis lest ? Explain it in detail with its legal status in India. 6
(B) Explain criminal pro?ling in detail. 6
13. (1?) What is psychological autopsy '3 Explain its application in forensic science. 3
(Q) Explain Lie-dctcction technique in detail. 1
(R) What is child abuse ? Explain its types. 3
(S) What are the steps you can take to reduce domestic violence from our society ?2
YBC~ l
This post was last modified on 10 February 2020