Download SGBAU BSc 2019 Summer 1st Sem Food Science Basic Chemistry Of Foods Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 1st Sem Food Science Basic Chemistry Of Foods Previous Question Paper

AVV?l 63 6
B.Sc. (Part-I) (Scmcstcr?I) Examination
(Basic Chemistry of Foods)
: Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80
Note :? (1) All questions are compulsory.
(2) Draw diagrams and give chemical equations wherever necessax}:
Fill in the blanks :
(1) ? are as structural monomers for proteins.
(ii) Bcri-Bcri disease is due to de?ciency of
(iii) 7 is a body building Nutrient.
(iv) Scurvy disease is due to de?ciency of __T __~__ 2
Choose the correct answer :
(i) Unit of temperature is :
(a) Ccntrigrade (?C.) (b) Fahrenheit (?1-)
(c1) Kelvin (?K) (d) All of the above
(ii) Sucrose is the name of :
(a) Maltosc (b) Common sugar
(c) Common starch (d) Fructose
(iii) How many calories do we get give from 1 gm fat ?
(a) 6 calories (b) 8calories
(c) 4 calories (d) 9 calories
(iv) Which disease occurs due to dc?cicncy 01' Vitamin 'A' ?
(a) Rickcts (b) Nightblindness
(c) Beribcri (d) Anemia 2
Answcr in one sentence :
(i) What is Atomic weight ?3
(ii) De?ne MUFA.
(iii) De?ne Nutrition.
(iv) De?ne. Essential fatty acid. 4
20 gm of NaOH is dissolved in water to make 250ml solution. What will be the
normality (given Equivalent wt : w) ? 4
Define Surface ?l?cnsion and Viscosity with their units. 4
Give the classi?cation of unit operations. 4
Calculate the equivalent weight of NaZCO3 (Given At. W1 of Na ?> 23. (7 ?> 12.
O 9 16 and valency = 2. 4
De?ne p11 and but't'cr, give pH scale. 4
De?ne Equivalent weight with formula. 4
YBC?~152IO 1 (Contd)

3. (A) Write food groups with uu'ricnt content 4
(8) Give importance of Bil?tllC?d diet. 4
(C) Give De?ciency systems of Kwashiorkm? and Marasmus. 4
(P) Discuss about factors affecting BMK 4
(Q) Discuss about Bomb :alurimctcr. 4
(R) Give importance of btutrtcnts. 4
4. (A) Classfy carbohydrate: \xitn examples. 4
(B) Difference between arnylme and amylopectic. 4
(C) (iive importancc of fiber 1n diet with food source. 4
(P) Discuss properties of sugar. , 4
(Q) De?ne pcctic substance. 4
(R) What are Polysaccharidc: and their food sources '? 4
5. Classify protein and amim acids food murccs. Give names of essential and non essential
amino acids. 12
Discuss about Physmal and ("temical properties of proteins. 12
6. Discuss about properties of lipids and Food Sources of Lipids. 12
Classify ,ipids. fwd sources of t?utty acids and importance of fatty acids. 12
7. (VA) Classify xilamms and mincrals
(B) Discuss about B and 3- with characteristics. food sources.
(C) De?ne functiOn of Vitamin A and food sources.
(P) Give de?ciency symptoms and prevention of Vitamin 'D' and 'C'. 4
(Q) Discuss general characterisrics 01' Vitamins and Minerals. 4
(R) Defne de?ciency s:.'YBC 15210 1

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020