Download SGBAU BSc 2019 Summer 6th Sem Botany Molecular Biology n Biotechnology Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 6th Sem Botany Molecular Biology n Biotechnology Previous Question Paper

AW?l 769
B.Sc. (Part?lll) Semester?VI Examination
'1? ime : Three Hours]
(Molecular Biology and Biotechnology)
[Maximum Marks : 80
Note z?(l) There are seven questions in all.
(2) Q. 1 is compulsory and carries 8 marks.
(3) Q. 2 to Q. 7 carry equal marks.
(4) Draw neat and well labelled diagrams wherever necessary.
1. (A) Fill in the blanks :
(i) The backbone of DNA is made up of __ Bonds. V2
(ii) The organelle involved in Protein synthesis is ___. '/2
(iii) Lac Z gene of Lac operon encodes _ enzyme. '/2
(iv) GMO stands for _. V:
(B) Choose the correct alternative (MCQ) :
(i) Phage DNA used by Hershey and Chase is radio labelled with : '/2
(a) 35S (b) 32P
(C) 1?CO (d) 3H
(ii) Gene as a unit of mutation terms as : V:
(3) Recon (b) Muton
(c) Cistron (d) Nucleotide
(iii) Gene Battery Model is given by : '/2
(a) Jacob and Monad (b) Crick
(c) Britton and Davidson (d) Emil Fischer
(iv) For aseptic transfer of explant on nutrient medium needs : V:
(a) Incubator (b) Centrifuge
(c) Oven (d) Laminar Air ?ow
(C) Write answer in one sentence each :
(i) De?ne plasmid. 1
(ii) Give the site of protein synthesis in the cytoplasm. 1
(iii) Which is initiation codon ?? ~ 1
(iv) What is Protoplast ? 1
2. Explain :
(a) Grif?n's experiment. 4
(b) Ac-Ds system. 4
(c) Nucleosome model. 4
YBC?15336 | (Contd.)

(d) Chemical composition of DNA.
(e) Replication fork.
(0 Satellite DNA.
Describe the different typcs of RNA.
Describe transcriptiun 21nd m-RNA processing in Eukaryotcs.
Describe opcmn conccpt with special reference to Lac 0; eron.
Describe Primary. Secondary, Tertiary and Quatemary structures of proteins.
Explain :
(g) Ti plasmid.
(h) Genomic DNA Library.
(i) Restriction endonuclcascs.
0) Phages as cloning vector.
(k) cDNA Library.
(1) PCR.
Explain :
(m) Autoclave.
(n) ;\?.?icropropagation
(0) Role of hormones in 'lissue culture.
(p) Laminar Air ?ow.
(q) Totipotcncy.
(r) Callus culture.
Describe in brief :
(s) BT--cott0n.
(t) Edible vaccines.
(u) Protoplast culture.
(v) Somatic hybridization.
(w) Alcuhol production by fermentation.
(x) Synthetic seeds.

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020