Download SGBAU BSc 2019 Summer 6th Sem Food Science Food Processing II Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 6th Sem Food Science Food Processing II Previous Question Paper

B.Sc. (Part?III) Semester?VI Examination
(Food Processing?II)
Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80
Note :??(I) All questions are compulsory.
(2) Question No. 1 carries 8 marks.
(3) Question No. 2 to 7 carry 12 marks each.
1. (A) Fill in the blanks :
(i) ? proportion of rice ?our and black gram flour are taken for Dhokala.
(ii) A tenderizer used in bread is
(iii) The long form of KMS is _.
(iv) Vinegar is a substance with chemical name _. 2
(B) Choose the correct options :
(i) Which term does not relate to wheat ?
(a) Gluten (b) Glutamine
(c) Glutelin (d) Glutenin
(ii) Which sequence is the correct for bread making ?
(a) Mixing, Panning, Fermentation, Sheeting
(b) Mixing, Fermenting, Proo?ng, Baking
(c) Mixing, Proo?ng, Fermentation, Baking
(d) Molding, Kneading, Proo?ng, Planning
(iii) Which instrument is used for measuring total soluble solids ?
(a) Hydrometer (b) Refractometer
(c) pH meter (d) Salinometer
(iv) Temperature for storage of ?sh is :
(a) 1?C (b) 7?C
(c) 18?C (d) 5?C 2
(C) Answer the following in one sentence :
(i) What is Cheese '2
(ii) Give the effect of canning on green vegetable.
(iii) Give the role of Class II preservative in squash.
(iv) De?ne pectic substances.
2. (A) Describe the process of yoghurt.
(B) Describe the preparation of skim milk powder by roller?drying.
(C) Describe the method for preparation of butter.
YBC7-15346 1 (Contd.)

(1)) Describe the process M swarming fm preparation 0? milk POV'dCF- 4
(1-?) Distinguish between evapcratcc milk and sweetencd condensed milk. 4
(F) De?ne pasteurization by H'I?ST 4
3. (A) Give the recipe and describe the preparation of Mixfmit Jam. 4
(B) What is the role of pectin in preparation of Jelly ? 4
(C) Give the procedure for mtlking fruit squash. 4
(D) Give the oreparation method tor 1irne pickles. 4
(E) Give the processing method to prcpare tomato ketchup. 4
(F) Describe the process of orangc mammladc. 4
4. (A) ?mat is ageing of meat f 4
(B) Explain in detail the structure and composition of egg, 4
(C) Describe tcnderization of mcat. 4
(D) State the nutritional imp?,wrtance 01~ meat. 4
(E) Explain Ihc process of egg puwdcr. 4
(F) Explain :salting and drying ()1 ?sh. 4
5. Give the clas12
Describe process for producttun of mineral water with the help of ?ow diagram. 12
6. (A) Describc the process for prouuction of wine. 4
(B) Dcscribc the preparatior m? Soyasauccs with the ?ow diagram. 4
(C) Give Iht? importance of I'crmcnted products. 4
(1)) Describe the preparation of Dhokala. 4
(E) Give the preparation method of pickles. 4
(F) Describe the produce fcr preparation of Idli. 4
7. Give the properties. CharaClCI?ibliC; 3f different spices and prepared and use different processing
products. 12
Role and importance of spices amt herbs and give the ingredients us :d in any three masalas.
\'BC* 15346 ?

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020