Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 6th Sem Forensic Science Digital n Cyber Forensic Previous Question Paper
B.Sc. (Part?III) Semester?VI Examination
(Digital and Cyber Forensic)
'l?hree Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80
Fill in the blanks :
(i) Program in execution is
(ii) WWW stands for .
(iii) Linux is a operating system.
(iv) Recycle bin contains ?les.
Select correct answer from the given altematives :
(i) The process of converting from plain text to cipher text is knovm as
(a) Encryption (b) Decryption (c) Authentication
(ii) Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows XP etc. are _.
(a) Linux OS (b) Unitx OS (0) Window OS
(iii) Fingerprint, face recognition and iris recognition are the example of
(a) Network (b) Biometric method (0) Wireless Internet
(iv) The process _ is the activity of the process manager that handles the removal
of the running process from CPU and selection of another process.
(a) Translation (b) Scheduling (c) Dispatching 2
Answer in one sentence :
(i) What is distributed operating system ??
(ii) What is Cyber Forensic ?
(iii) What is Blue-Tooth ?
(iv) What do you mean by electronic mail ?? 4
De?ne OS. Explain Batch Operating System. 4
What do you mean by malicious code ? Explain in brief. 4
What is digital evidence ? Write di?erence between digital and physical evidence.
Explain distributed operating system in brief. 4
Write procedure to create Email. Also write its use. 4
Describe the precaution to be taken while dealing with digital evidence. 4
YBC?15349 1 ' (Comd.)
5. (p)
7- (p)
IO. (:1)
?11. (p)
12. (a)
13. (p)
YBC?l 5349
What is pre-incidcm prcpurati )1: '.? Explain
What is cyber check 3? E(pluin cyhcr check suite.
Explain right incident respmue tool for your organization.
How to formulate :1 response strategy 7 Explain.
What is the use of forensic tnolkit ?? Explain.
What is disk imaging ?? Fxrlujn.
What do you mean by mn-x'ulatilc evidence '2 Explain.
De?ne data recovery. What i:. the role of backup in data recovery ??
Write various types of biometric methods. Explain any one.
Write ard explain in dcmil \arious evidence collection methods.
Write use 01' biometrics. Explain how to evaluate accuracy of biometric.
Explain the following :
(i) FTK
(ii) Formatted partition recovery.
Explain how to recover swap ?les and temporary ?les.
Write various data recovery tools. Explain any one.
Explain complete time line analysis 01? computer ?lc creation and modi?cation.
Explain the following :
(i) e-I)i5c0\'cry
(ii) Encryp?ion and Dccrypdon
Explain the concept of certi?cation security technique.
What is SE'I? ?? Fxplair._
How to recover Fmail ?.? Ex plain.
Write various cybcr forcnsi: aneSLigaliuu tools. Fxplain any one.
Write and explain pemlties under II Act 2000.
Explain digital signature remgnilion process.
Explain in detail the Concept of h-Govemancc.
Explain the function of commllcr.
This post was last modified on 10 February 2020