Download SGBAU BSc 2019 Summer 1st Sem Forensic Science Basic Of Forensic Science Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 1st Sem Forensic Science Basic Of Forensic Science Previous Question Paper

Time :
B.Sc. Part?l (Semester?I) Examination
(Basics of Forensic Science)
Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80
Note :?(1) ALL questions are compulsory.
(2) Question No. 1 carries 8 marks while each ofremaining questions carry 12 marks.
(3) Draw diagrams and write equations wherever necessary.
Fill in the blanks :? 2
(i) Principles of Criminal Investigation was given by scientist
(ii) Study of Lip Prints is known as
(iii) Examination of Rubber Stamps is done under division.
(iv) Cooling of the body is also known as , 7 -
Multiple Choice questions :?
(i) Which of the following are chemical methods of ?ngerprint development 1?
(a) Ninhydrin development
(b) Powder development techniques
(c) Laser Method for ?ngerprint development
(d) All ofabove
(ii) Considerable work in the ?eld ofForcnsic Science has been done by which of the
following Scientists ?
(a) Hans Gross (b) Calvin Goddard
(c) Albert Osbsom (d) Mathieu Or?la
(iii) For Multicoloured Surfaces which of the following ?ngerprint powder is most
suitable '?
(a) Silver Powder (b) Fluorescent Powder
(c) Red Powder (d) Black Powder
(iv) VSC stands for :
(a) Virtual Spectral Comparator (b) Video Spectral Comparator
(0) Video Stamp Comparator ((1) Video Spectral Combination
Answer in one sentence :? 4
(i) What is Partial hanging ?
(ii) De?ne ?Forgery?.
(iii) What is ?Crimc Scene? ? Enlist types of Crime Scene.
(iv) What is Projected bloodstain pattern ?
YBC~15215 l (Contd.)

2. (A) Explain the following :~ 4
(i) Locard?s principle of hxczmnge.
(ii) Law Of lndiVidualit}:
(B) Give brief account on Hi-um?ical Perspective in Forensic Science. 5
(C) State the role of Investigating of?cer on a Crime Scene.
3. (P) Enlist various divisions 01' [hmmic sciencc laboratories with proper explanation. 6
(Q) Give a brief account on prinmples in forensic science. 6
4. (A) Explain the following tcrm< :? 4
(i) Cast-o?' blood stain patterns
(ii) Void patterns
(iii) Angle of Impact
(iv) Passive bloud stain patterns.
(B) Explain Point of convergcnce and area of origin. 4
(C) Give signi?cance of bloodslam pattern analysis in forensic science. 4
5. (1?) Explain the following : , 4
(i) Arterial Blood slain pattern.
(ii) Transfer Blood stain ptmcm.
(Q) Give dclailcd account on ?(irowth 01' forcnsic science laboratories in India?.
(R) Write in brief about ?History 01? forensic sciencc?.
6. (A) Explain the role of Crime Scene Investigators.
(B) Explain Biologica?: they of Criminal Bchaviour.
(C) Discuss collection and preservation of ?Biological Evidences? with examples.
7. (P) Explain different Theorcs of Criminal bchaviour in detail. 6
(Q) De?ne Crime Scene Recomu'uction. Fxplain thc stages ofCrimc Scene Reconstruction.
8. (A) Give classi?cation of angurprinl patterns. 4
(B) Write 1:1 brief abnut Skid marks.
(CI) Give classi?cation of Iiar pints and its furensic signi?cance. 4
9. (P) What is gait pattern '.? (jive its signi?cance in forensic science. 6
(Q) Explain 10 digit classi icalion of ?ngerprints with examples. 6
YBC?l 5215
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10. (A) De?ne ?Forgcry?. Explain its types.
(B) How will you examine ?Questioned documeul? ?
(C) What is Specimen Writing 1?
(P) Write in brief about ?Traced Forgery?.
(Q) What is Electrostatic Detection Apparatus ? How does it work ?
(R) What are Charred Documents ?
12. (A) Explain the terms :?
(i) Postmortem Ilypostasis
(ii) Cadeveric Spasm
(iii) Rigor Mortis
(iv) Asphyxia.
(B) Explain various modes of Death.
(C) Write a note on ?Early signs of Death?.
13. (P) How will you identify age of Bruise ? Give medicolegal signi?cance of bruise.
(Q) Give the di?'crcncc between hanging and strangulation.
(R) Explain the terms :?
(i) Cafe coronary
(ii) Throttling
(iii) Dying Declaration
(iv) Partial hanging.
YBC?lS2lS 3
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This post was last modified on 10 February 2020