Download SGBAU BSc 2019 Summer 6th Sem Geology Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 6th Sem Geology Previous Question Paper

AW?l 768
B.Sc. (Part?III) Scmcster?VI Examination
Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80
Note z?(l) All questions are compulsory.
(2) Draw a neat diagram wherever necessary.
I. (A) Fill in the blanks :
(i) Sample collected along the line of suitable interval is called
(ii) The _ __ of a fault is the angle of inclination of fault plane measured from the
(iii) A fault which runs parallel to the strike of strata is called __ fault.
(iv) Mineral exploration is the process of ?nding __.,_ to mine. 2
(B) Choose the correct alternatives :
(i) The total displacement measured along the fault plane is known as :
(a) Throw (b) Strike
(c) Net-slip (d) All of the above
(ii) The instrument used to view the aerial photograph in 3D :
(a) Pocket or mirror stereoscope (bf) Goniomcter
(c) Rotimclcr (d) All of the above
(iii) When platy of ?aky mineral orient themselves parallel to one another. then the
texture is called as :
(a) Foliation (b) Liniation
(C) Lithilication (d) All of the above
(iv) The low angle faults are those which have dip :
(a) less than 45" (b) less than 10"
(c) more than 45? ((1) less them 1000 2
(C) Answer in one or two sentences :
(i) What is stress ?
(ii) What is reverse fault ?
(iii) What is exploration ?
(iv) What is aerial photo '.? 4
2. What is stress and strain ? Describe in detail behavior of rock with depth. l2
Describe the method of determining Strain by using bilateral symmetrical fossils. 12
3. Explain the following :
(a) Normal fault. 4
(b) Iiinezttion. 4
(0) Causes of faulting. 4
YBC ?15335 I (Could)

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(p) Recogxitiun 0f iaull in 13:111.
(q?) Part of fault.
(r) Hurst and grabcn.
Explain the following ?
(a) Drift and crab.
(b) Mirror siereoscupc.
(c) Overlap and sidelap.
(p) Slereo-puirs.
(q) Pocket slercoscopc.
(r) Lithological intcrprcuuion o" aerial photos.
Explain the lhllnwing :
(3) Application 01' remm'c sensing.
(b) Shape and size of aerial photo
(0') Tone and texturc of aerial photo.
(p) Scale 01? photogranh.
(q) \"crtical exaggeration.
(r) Applica ion 01? phntogcolcsp?
Explain the ?ollouing :
(a) Channel sampling
(b) Criteria and guidex? m or: 5c1rgh.
(C) Coming .md quurlcring.
(p) (far sampling.
(q) (,?hip sampling.
(r) Calculation of grade um 01: resents.
Describe in Licmil geophysical magnetic method.
Describe in detail gCOphysical cicclricnl mcxhod.

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020