Download SGBAU BSc 2019 Summer 6th Sem Industrial Chemistry Instrumental Methods Of Chemical Analysis Green Chemistry Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 6th Sem Industrial Chemistry Instrumental Methods Of Chemical Analysis Green Chemistry Previous Question Paper

B.Sc. (Part?III) Semester?VI Examination
(Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis, Green Chemistry)
Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80
Note :?(1) Question No. 1 is compulsory and carries 8 marks.
1. (A)
2. (a)
(2) Remaining questions carry 12 marks each.
(3) Give chemical equations and draw diagrams wherever necessary.
(4) Use of scienti?c calculator is allowed.
Fill in the blanks :
(i) The small quantity removed from the bulk for analysis is called
(ii) Precision is de?ned as the degree of agreement between repeated measurement of
__ 7 _ quantity.
(iii) In all chromatographic techniques, difference in af?nity involves the process of
either adsorption or
(iv) Anion exchangers are cross linked high molecular weight polymers containing
_7? groups. 2
Choose the correct alternatives :
(i) Paper chromatography is practically suitable for :
(a) [on exchange (b) Partition
(c) Adsorption (d) Size exclusion
(ii) Picric acid is _ coloured dyc.
(a) Red (b) Blue
(c) Black (d) Yellow
(iii) Which of the following is not the basic component of X-ray ?uorescence
instrumentation ?
(a) Goniometer (h) Column
(c) Collimator (d) Diffracting crystal
(iv) In chromatography on stationary phase the substance gets :
(a) Reabsorbcd (b) Absorbed
(c) Adsorbed (d) None Ofthese 2
Answer in one sentence :
(i) De?ne ion exchange capacity.
(ii) What is auxochrome ?
(iii) De?ne sampling.
(iv) What is a dye ? 4
Give an account of sampling techniques of gases. 4
Explain the terms :
(i) Mean deviation (ii) Relative standard deviation 4
Discuss the types of errors. 4
YBCu15333 l (Contd.)

3. (p) Discuss the techniques 61 :umpling 6f liquid>. 4
(q) Explain the process of sampling of solids. 4
(r) Discuss :
(i) Standard deviation
(ii) Con?dence limit. 4
4. (:1) Discuss the technique of p.;per chromatography. 4
(b) Give an account of thin layer chromatography with applications. 4
('9) Discuss the applications: of HPLC. 4
5. (p) Discuss the applications 6f chromatography in general. 4
(q) De?ne chromatography: ('iive classi?cation 01? chromatographic techniques. 4
(r) Explain the principle and techniques of Gas Liquid Chromatography (GLC). 4
6. (:1) Explain the experimental rcquirementS and factors affecting column ef?ciency. 6
(b) Discuss the techniques of solvent extraction. 6
7. (p) De?ne ion exchange. Discuss the ion exchange capacity of resins. 6
(q) Describe factors affecting :olvent extraction and application of solvent extraction in
industries. 6
8. (a) Explain the technique of F(?ray fluorescence with its applicazions. 6
(b) Describe the principle, techniques and application of IR spectroscopy. 6
9. (p1) Give an account of elemematy theory of ?ame photometry. 6
(q) Draw and explain X-ruy ?uorescence spectrophotometer. 6
10. (a) How are dyes classi?ed 21> acid and basic dyes ?? 4
(b) Explain the preparation um: uses of Indigo dye. 4
(c) Discus; the manufacture of amine dye. 4
11. (p) Discuss crystal violet dye with respect to its preparation and uses. 4
(q) Explain chromophores and auxochromes. 4
(r) Describe the preparation vf picric acid with uses. 4
12. (a) Explain the goals of (jrecn Chemistry. 6
(b) Discuss the principles of Green Chemistry. 6
13. (p) Explain the basic componerts of green chemistry as ?Itcmative starting materials and
altema?ve product and target molecules. 6
(q) Explain the following
(i) Green solvent
(ii) Bio catalysis
(iii) Green fuels. 6
YBC?15333 2 I25

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