Download SGBAU BSc 2019 Summer 6th Sem Petrochemical Science Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 6th Sem Petrochemical Science Previous Question Paper

B.Sc. (Part?III) Semester?VI Examination
'l?ime : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80
Note :?(1) Question No. 1 is compulsory.
(2) Remaining six questions carry 12 marks each.
(3) Give chemical equation and draw diagram wherever necessary.
(A) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words :
(i) catalyst constitute a different phase in the reaction medium.
(ii) The ?_ is de?ned as the number of waves which can pass through a point in
one second.
(iii) ING is the important feed stock for __ type of NC.
(iv) The r # 0f the catalyst includes its constituents, physical form, the texture and
structure. 2
Choose the correct alternative :
(i) __ solvent produces greatest migration and this gives better separation.
(a) Polar (b) Non-polar
(c) Anti-polar ((1) None of the above
(ii) Natural gas is essentially and represents the cleanest and richest form of
commercially available energy.
(a) Propane (h) Butane
(c) Pantane (d) Methane
(iii) One of the disadvantages of __ as a fuel is smoke evolution from burning
which leads to environmental pollution.
(3) Fuel oil (b) Natural gas
(C) C081 (d) LPG
(iv) Hydrogen means clean energy that is :
Hydrogen 7?) Energy + __
(a) Water (b) Hydrogen
(c) Oxygen (d) Nitrogen
Answer in one sentence :
(i) What is Pollutant ?
(ii) De?ne Beer's law.
(iii) What is chromophore ?
(iv) Which catalyst is used in desulfurization process for production of syngas ? 4
YBC?15334 1 (Contd.)

2. (A) De?ne the folioxxing with hair units and formula :
(i) Wave numbcr. 3
(ii) Wavelength. 3
(B) What is electromagnetic SpCl trum ?? Discuss different regions of electromagnetic spectrum.
3. (P) Which are special characitristics 01' electromagnetic radiation ? 6
(Q) Describe principle and thaw) of UV-Visiblc spectrophotometer. 6
4. (A) What are the important uxpcgts used to study the NNIR spectra '.? 6
(B) Which are the main princiolcs of working involved in mass spectroscopy '.? 6
5. (P) Describe the cxpcrimcmal method used in NMR spectroscopy with respect to all their
instrument parts 6
(Q) What is mass spectrum '7 lixpiain in detail. 6
6. (A) Explain the theory of gas chromatography. 6
(B) Which are the various app?icdlions 01' IIPLC ?3 6
7. (P) Discuss the characteristic :taturc 01? IIPLC. 6
(Q) What is chromatograph} Draw a well labelled diagram :ahowing classi?cation of
chromatographic method. 6
8. (A) Chcmical industries consume bulk of the catalysts for various processes. Describe
oxidation catalyst with example. 6
(B) What is catalyst '? Compare homogcncous and heterogeneous catalysts with their
importance. 6
9. (P4) Morphology of catalyst is more important. Why ?2? Explain in detail. 6
(Q) Reforming operation is important part of petroleum industrics. Describe advances in
these reforming catalyst at mposition. 6
10. (A) What is biomass 7? Descr'bc the importance of biomass as a resource for various
chemicals. 6
(B) Due to oil crisis; "coal is an alternative to petroleum oil". How ? Explain with examples.
1 1. (P) Why integrated petrochemical complexes are establishcd '.? Expla?n in detail with advantages
of these integrated complexes. 6
(Q) What is synthetic fuel 7? Why hydrogcn is fuel of tomorrow ? Give the advantages of
hydrogen fuel. 6
12. (A) What is air pollution '7 Describe air pollution by chemical industries. 6
(B) What is BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand) ?? Explain this ?crm in detail. 6
13. (1?) How COD of water is calculated ? Wh) ?.7 Explain with respect to reagent required,
formula and procedurc. 6
(Q) What is pH of water .7 Explain this pH term in detail. 6
YBC?15334 ?

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020