Download SGBAU BSc 2019 Summer 6th Sem Staticstics Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 6th Sem Staticstics Previous Question Paper

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Semestcr-Vl) EX amination
B.Sc. Part-Ul (
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31:5115 l?lC [tvtaximum Nldrks . 8U
Timc -. Three Hours\
1. (A) Fill in the blanks '.
(i) Optimum solution of LP? occurs at
of feasible region.
(ii) Assignment problem is solved by -M-
(iii) In ANOVA ?7?! test is used.
(iv) In m >< m LSD the total number of cxpcrimeniai units needed are __7___,
(B) (?hoose the correct alternatives '.
(i) In LPP the objective function and constraints are always 77', _.
(a) Non-lincar (b) Exponential
(c) Linear ((1) None of the above
(ii) A necessary and suf?cient condition for existence of a feasible solution to the
transportation problcm is ; .
(a) Zai>2:b.| (b) Zai=2bj
i j ' i
(c) Zai(iii) The principle of __ _ is not used in CRD.
(a) Randominzation (b) Replication
(0) Local control (d) None of the above
(iv) In 23 factorial experiment the total treatment combinations will be _ _,? in
(a) 3 (b) 6
(c) 4 (d) 12
(C) Answer in ONE sentence : 4
(i) What is saddle point ??
(ii) De?ne contrast.
(iii) What do you mean by feasible solution ?2
(iv) What is mean sum 01' squares ?
2. (A) State the standard form of LPP. 4
(B) Give the Simplex algorithm to solve LPP. 4
YBC 4534mm)

(C; Solve the given LI?P [w umpiu?crt ? 4?
Max 2' "- "x v /, J ?\\ 4
subject to .-
x,, x? 2 0
3. (P) Explain LPP in gcncral.
(Q) De?ne :
(i) FeasiHc solution
(ii) Net exaluations.
(R) Solve the given LPP graphlcall} :
Max. Z = x? 4~ 2x,
subject to :
4. (A) What do you mean by transportation problem ?9 Give its mathematical
formation. 4
(Bl Explain matrix minima method and obtain an initial basic feasible solution to the given
transportation problcm using InaII'ii minima method : 8
Dl I), n, I)1 Ax'ailahilil}
(Jl 1 2 3 l I 6
0, 4 3 2 U 8
0? x 0 i _ . m
Dcmzmd 4 (a a' 6
3. (P) Dc?nc :
(i) Basic feasible solution to RP
' ? 'on to Tl?.
(n) Optlmal 501L111 (COM)
{g(t?l S3400?)

6. (A)
7. (P)
8. (A)
9. (P)
Explain Norlh-West Comer rule of ?nding solution to T.P. and solve the given 111?. by
this method : 8
W1 W2 W3 Availability
Fl 2 7 4 5
F7 3 3 1 8
F1 5 4 7 7
F4 1 6 2 j 4
Requirement 7 9 8
Explain Assignment problem. 4
De?ne two person zero sum game.
Solve the given sequencing problem : 4
Job , : l 2 3 4 5 6 7
'l'imcon M? : 3 12 15 6 10 ll 9
TimconM2 : 8 10 10 6 12 1 3
Obtain optimum sequence of jobs.
Explain Maximin and Minimax principle 01' the theory of games. 4
State the assumptions made in sequencing problem. 4
Solve the following assignment problem : 4
_ .11 .12 .13 .14 _
A 8 26 17 11
B . 13 28 4 26
Persons , 1
c 1 38 19 18 15
D 19 26 24 10
What is ANOVA ? State the assumption in ANOVA. 4
Give the mathematical analysis of one-way classi?cation. 4
State the null hypothesis and ANOVA table for two-way classi?cation with one observation
per cell. 4
Give the null hypothesis and ANOVA table of one-way classi?cation. 4
Write the ANOVA tablc alongwith null hypothesis for two-way classi?cation with m
observations per cell. 4
Carry out the mathematical analysis of two-way classi?cation with one obscn alion per
cell. .1
YBCV 15340(Rc) 3 (Comd.)

10. (A) Define : 4
(i) Treatment
(ii) Uniformity Lri4ls.
(B) State the principles of dcsign 01? experiments and explain any one of them. 4
(C) What is randomizul ?lm'l- design 2? (iivc the particular layout of RBD with four
Ireatmcms A, B, C and l) replicated in three blocks. 4
11. (P) De?ne CRD and give its Illathcmatical model. 4
(0) Give the null hypmhcsis and ANOVA table for RBI) with t treatments and
r replicates. 4
(R) State advantages and disadvantages of (RD. 4
12. (A) De?n: Latin squarc (Lesign. 4
(B) Give particular 131mm: m1: - 4 LSD with treatments A, B. C and D. 4
(C) Explain Yate?s method 01' (~blaining factorial ellbct totals in 2? factorial experiment. 4
l3. (P) De?ne factorial experimmts and state its advantages. 4
(Q) Write the ANOVA table of m 5< m LSD. 4
(R) Give the ANOVA table for 23 factorial experiment. 4
Yn(?,?|5340(Ru') 1

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020