Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 1st Sem Petrochemical Science Previous Question Paper
B.Sc. (Part?I) Semester?I Examination
Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80
Note :?( 1) Question No. 1 is compulsory and carries 8 marks.
1. (A)
2. (A)
3. (P)
(2) Remaining six questions carry 12 marks each.
(3) Credit will be given to chemical equations and neat sketches, wherever necessary.
(4) Scienti?c calculator is permitted.
(5) Use of cell phone is strictly prohibited in examination hall.
(6) Use only Blue or Black re?ll or ball pen only.
Complete the following sentences :
(1) pH of a solution is the negative logarithm of its __ concentration.
(ii) Oil and Natural Gas Commission was formed in __ year.
(iii) API gravity is used to magnify the value of _ of petroleum.
(iv) Pure liquid, when heated will boil or vaporise, at certain single temperature, known
as . 2
Choose correct answer :
(i) Petroleum occurs in the earth _. in all possible state.
(a) Crust (b) Mantle
(C) Core ((1) Surface
(ii) Molecular weight of compound is the sum of the __
(a) Atomic weight (b) Equivalent weight
(c) Molecular weight (d) None of these
(iii) Sound travels through air and shock travels through _ .-
(a) Air (b) Water
(c) Ground (d) Both (a) and (b)
(iv) _ solution has pH more than 7.
(a) Acidic (b) Basic
(c) Neutral (d) Mixed 2
Answer the following questions in one sentence :
(i) What is base of solution ?
(ii) Place where the ?rst exploratory crude well was drilled in India ?
(iii) What is solar panel '2 I
(iv) What is blending ?? 4
What is calori?c value '3 Explain in detail with examples. 6
De?ne and explain the term pH in detail with pH scale. 6
Calculate the molecular weight of following compounds :
(i) F6203
(ii) KClO?1
(iii) (?NH'LSO4 6
YBC?15198 1 (Contd)
(Q) Calculate the volume of water required to prepare 0.1 M H2804 from 200 ml of 0.5 M
solution 2
(R) Calculate the normality of 23 ml of NaOll, \xhich exactly neutralises the 50 ml of
0.02N H2504 solutions. 3
(S) 300 ml of water is ttddt? d to 2m) ml 01'05M HCl solution. Calculate the molarity of
dilute solution. 2
4. Describe folfowing gases with thsit' composition :
(i) Dry natural gas. 3
(ii) Wet natural gas. 3
(iii) Lean natural gas. 3
(iv) Associated natural gas. 3
5. (P) Why ncn-convcntionzll energy iesources are important ?3 State their advantages also. 6
(Q) "Petroleum is a source of Petrochemical." Explain in detail. 6
6. (A) Why drilling mud is used in drilling operation ? What are the advantages of drilling
mud ? 6
(B) Which observation of J. D. Httun for acet-pting the organic theories for formation of
petroleum ?? 6
7. (P) What is drilling " ltxp?ain caHe tool drilling in detail. (?
(Q) Describe seismic mcthud for exploration of petroleum. 6
8. (A) Describe elemental ceiziposition of crude oil. 6
(B) Discuss: the classi?czttiun 0,1'petroleum crude 0n the basis 01' key fraction method. 6
9. (P) State the uon-hydroearhon impurities present in crude oil. Describe any two of them.
(Q) De?ne para?in. Explam with examples and their propcnies. 6
10. (A) De?ne distillation. hxhlain wth example. 8
(B) Why desalting and dehydratim't operation are necessary for crude petroleum processing ?
State the methods used for both ticse operations. 4
11. (1") Why reduced crude t?rmn the bottom 01?A.D.LI. is further distilled in V.D.L'. ? Explain
with operating contlitinns. 8
(Qt De?ne re?ux. Describe pumr hack re?ux in detail. 4
12. De?ne and explain the t'olhuvirg :
(i) API gravity. 4
(ii) Viscosity. 4
(iii) Carbon residue. 4
13. (P) Diesel Index is .1 measure of ignition quality of fuel. Explain with their formula. 0
(Q) De?ne smoke point. Iixplain. how this property is important in petroleum fuels. (3
YBC?15198 g
This post was last modified on 10 February 2020