Download SGBAU BSc 2019 Summer 1st Sem Physics Mechanics Properties Of Matter Waves n Oscillation Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 1st Sem Physics Mechanics Properties Of Matter Waves n Oscillation Previous Question Paper

B.Sc. (Part?I) Scmcstcr?l Examination
(Mechanics, Properties of Matter Waves and Oscillation)
Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80
Note :-?(l_) All questions are compulsory.
(2) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary.
1. (3) Fill in the blanks :
(i) The acceleration due to gravity at the poles is ____
(ii) 111:: fundamental frequency is also called as
(iii) C ocf?cicnt of viscosity '_ WW with increase in temperature.
(iv) Young's modulus of elasticity is related with change in __ 2
(b) Choose correct answer :
(i) The angle of contact of water with glass is __?
(21) 90? (b) 0"
(c) Less than 90? (11) Greater than 90?
(ii) Kepler's second law of planetary motion is about 7 __ _
(a) Elliptical orbit (b) Period
(c) Areal velocity (d) Volume
(iii) The moment of linear momentum is __
(a) Couple (b) Torque
(c) Impulse (d) Angular momentum
(iv') In compound pendulum, centre of suspension and centre of oscillation are __
(a) Interchangeable (b) Not interchangeable
(c) At equal distance from CO (d) None of the above 2
(c) Answer in one sentence :
(i) What is cantilever '?
(ii) De?ne streamline ?ow.
(iii) De?ne cohesive force.
(iv) De?ne moment of inertia. 4
2. (:1) De?ne acceleration due to gravity. Explain variation of 'g' with :
(i) Height (ii) Depth 6
(b) State and prove Gauss's Theorem. 4
(c) De?ne :
(i) Gravitational ?eld (ii) Gravitational potential 2
3. (p) Derive an expression for gravitational potential due to spherical shell at a point outsids
the shell. (1
(q) State and prove Kepler's 'l?hird law of planetary motion. 6
4. (a) State and prove theorem of parallel axes, lor moment 01 lncuia 5
(b) A unitorm rod of length ?l' and mass "m rotates about an axis passing lhxough one 01?
its ends. Calculate moment of inertia about this axis 4
(c) If a disc has mass 5kg and radius 0.5m, calculate M.l. of a disc about a tangent
perpendicular to its plane. 3
YBC?-l5|95 I (Could)

YBC ~15l95
(p) State and prove Ixm ui? conservation of angular momentum. 4
(q) Derive an expression for M.I. of circular disc about an axis passing through its center
and perpendicular to its plane. 5
(r) Calculate M.l. of :1 (J15: of mass 1 kg and radius 10cm about an axis passing through
its center and pcroendicular to its plane. 3
(a) What is compounc pcndulum '.? Obtain an expression for the periodic time Ofcompound
pendulum. I 6
(b) De?ne linear S.H.M. and obtain dill?crcntial equation of S.H.M. 4
(c) A mass of 50 gm is attached to a spring having spring constant 0.2. Determine time
period of oscillatinn. 2
(p) De?ne the angular S.? M. show that the vibration of bar magnet in uniform magnetic
?eld is angular S.H.M. ? 6
(q) Solve the di??eremial equation of damped harmonic motion and show that velocity of
particle decreases exponentially. 4
(I) What are bililar mcitlatinns '.? 2
(a) Find the resultant dicplaccmcnt for the superposition of two mutually perpendicular
S.H.M's of same pcriud. 6
(b) What is piezoelectric c??cct 1? Explain the production of ultrasonic waves of piezoelectric
oscillation. 6
(p) Describe construction and working of Kundt's tube. , 4
(q) Derive Newton's formula for velocity of sound in medium. 5
(1') State applications of Ultrasonic wave. 3
(a) Find the expression for twisting couple per unit twist for cylindrical wire. 6
(b) Explain how modulus of rigidity of wire can be determined by Maxwell Needle. 6
(p') What are torsional oscilltitions ?? Dcrivc an expression for the periodic time of torsional
pendulum. 6
(q) Derive an expression for depression at the loaded end of light beam clamped horizontally
at the other end. 6
(a) State and prove Bernoulli's theorem. 6
(b) State and prove Stcke's an. 4
(c) What is the signi?cancc 01' Reynolds number ?.? 2
(p) Explain Jaegcr's method to determine surface tension of a liquid. 6
(q) Explain :
(i) Streamline ?ow
(ii) Turbulent ?ow. 4
('r) What is surface Ien?uon ? Give its unit and dimensions. 2
2 625

B.Sc. (Part?l) Scmcstcr?l Examination
(Mechanics, Properties of Matter Waves and Oscillation)
Time 3 Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80
Note :?-(1) All questions are compulsory.
(2) Draw ncat diagrams wherever necessary.
1. (a) hill in the blanks :
(i) The acceleration due to gravity at the poles is w.
(ii) The fundamental frequency is also called as __ _____
(iii) Coef?cient of viscosity with increase in temperature.
(iv) Young's modulus of elasticity. is related with change in H7 7 w 2
(b) Choose correct answer :
(i) The angle of contact of water with glass is __
(a) 90? (b) 0?
('0) Less than 90? ((1') Greater than 90?
(ii) Kepler's second law of planetary motion is about _____ .
(a) Elliptical orbit (b) Period
(c) Areal velocity (d) Volume
(iii) The moment of linear momentum is WW--
(a) Couple (b) Torque
(c) Impulse (d) Angular momentum
(iv) In compound pendulum, centre of suspension and centre of oscillation arc W?,
(a) Interchangeable (b) Not Interchangeable
(c) At equal distance from C.G. (d) None of the above 2
(c) Answer in one sentence :
(i) What is cantilever '.?
(ii) De?ne streamline ?ow.
(iii) De?ne cohesive force.
(iv) De?ne moment of inertia. , 4
2. (:1) De?ne acceleration due to gravity. Explain variation of 'g' with t
(i) Height (ii) Depth 6
(b) State and prove Gauss's Theorem. 4
(0) De?ne :
(i) Gravitational ?eld (ii) Gravitational potential 2
3. (p) Derive an expression for gravitational potential due to spherical shell at a point outsid:
the shell. (-
(q) State and prove Kepler's Third law of planetary motion. 6
4. (a) State and prove theorem of parallel axes, for moment of Inertia. 5
(b) A uniform rod of length 'L' and mass 'm' rotates about an axis passing through one 01?
its ends. Calculate moment of inertia about this axis. 4
(c) If a disc has mass 5kg and radius 0.5m, calculate M]. of a disc about a tangent
perpendicular to its plane. 3
YBCaISl95 l (Could)

(p) State and prove law 61 conservation of angular momentum. 4
(q) Derive an expression fur Mi. of circular disc about an axis passing through its center
and perpendicular to its plane. 5
(r) Calculate M l. 01' u diSL of mass 1 kg and radius 10cm about an axis passing through
its center and perpendicular to its plane. 3
(a) What is compound pendulum ?2 Obtain an expression for the periodic time ofcompound
pendulum. 6
(b) De?ne linear 8.11.511. and obtain differential equation of S.II.M. 4
(c) A mass of 50 gm is attached to a spring having spring constant 0.2. Determine time
period of oscillation. 2
(p) De?ne the angular SUM. show that the vibration of bar magnet in uniform magnetic
?eld is angular S.}'].M. 6
(q) Solve the differental equation of damped harmonic motion and show that velocity of
panicle decreaSCS exponentially. 4
(r) What are bi?lar oscillations ?? 2
(3) Find the resultant displticcment for the superposition of two mutually perpendicular
S.II.M's of same period. 6
(b) What is piCLOCICCI?C etcht 1? Explain the production of ultrasonic waves ofpiczoelcctric
oscillation. 6
(p) Describe construction and working 01' Kundt's tube. 4
(q) DCT?iVC Newton's fomiula for velocity of sound in medium. 5
(1') State applications of Ultrasonic wave. 3
(a) Find the expression for misting couple per unit twist for cylindrical wire. 6
(b) Explain how modulus of rigidity of wire can be determined by Maxwell Needle. 6
(p) What are torsional oscilltttions 1? Derive an expression for the periodic time oftorsional
pendulum. 6
(?q) Derive an expression for depression at the loaded end of light beam clamped horizontally
at the other end. 6
(a) State and prove Bernoulli's theorem. 6
(b) State and prove Stoke's law. 4
(c) What is the signi?c ance ot? Reynold's number ?.? 2
(p) Explain Jaeger's method to determine surface tension of a liquid. 6
(q) Explain:
(i) Streamline 110v.-
(ii) Turbulent ?ow. 4
(I) What is surface tension ?.? Give its unit and dimensions. 2
YBC ?15I95 2 625

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020
