Download SGBAU BSc 2019 Summer 2nd Sem Biochemistry Biophysical n Biochemical Techniques Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 2nd Sem Biochemistry Biophysical n Biochemical Techniques Previous Question Paper

AW?l 673
B.Sc. (Part?I) Semester?II Examinatiou
(Biophysical and Biochemical Techniques)
Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80
Note :?All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks except Question No. l which
carries 8 marks.
1. (A) Fill in the blanks :?
(i) R[A stands for
(ii) Movement of ions or molecules from a region of high concentration to low
concentration is known as
(iii) Technique used for separation of protein on the. basis of molecular weight
(iv) Negative logarithm of hydrogen ion concentration is _ W
(B) Choose the correct alternative :? 2
(i) Oxidation is de?ned as :
(:1) Addition of oxygen (b) Loss of hydrogen
(c) Loss of electron (d) All of the above
(ii) [on exchange chromatography is based on :
(a) Electrostatic attraction (b) Af?nity
(c) Adsorption (d) Partition
(iii) A solution which resists sudden change in pH is known as :
(a) Buffer (bi) Standard
(0) Acidic ((1) Basic
(iv) In spontaneous reactions value of AG is :
(a) Negative (b) Positive
(0) Zero (d) None 01' the above
(C) Answer in ONE sentence : ~ 4
(i) De?ne redox potential.
(ii) Dc?nc dialysis.
(iii) De?ne Spontaneous reaction.
(iv) De?ne Beer?s Lambert Law.
2. (A) Describe ?rst and second law of thermodynamics.
(B) Describe application of Gibbs frcc encrgy change in Biochemistry. 4
(C) Explain standard free energy change in coupled reactions. 4
YBC 15247 I (Comd.)

(P) Describe various thermcmiynemics syslcms. 4
(Q) Explain relation bclwcen sumidard redox potential and free energy change. 4
(R) Explain the concert of Pmropy. 4
(A) Explain application 01? dialysis in Biochemistry. 4
(H) Describe measurement of pH by invh-amrs. 4
(C) Comment on prcpnrat?vc ultx?accntrifugalion. 4
(P) Explain the concept of pH and buffcz?s. 4
(0) Describe Handcrsou-Hassclbulch equation.
(R) Explain active: and passix'e transport. 4
Dcscribe principle of :
(A) Ion exchange chromatogm;why. 4
(13?) Paper chromatography
(C) Molecular sieve chrormtugrraphy. 4
Explain applications of :
(P) Ion exchange chromatography. 4
(Q) Gas liquid chromatography 4
(R) HPLC. 4
Describe in detail Western bh?tting. 12
Describe in detail SDSPAGF 2nd isoclcclric focusing. 12
(A) Describe Beer Lambert?s Law. 4
(B) Describc Principle of ?mn-mnctry. 4
(C) Explain principlc of 1:135: spectroscopy 4
(P) Describe applications of ?\IVIR. 4
(Q) Describe principle of FSR 4
(R) Write in brief about ?amc phoIomeIry. 4
Fxplain in detail with suitably \Iidgram principle and application of ELISA. 12
Explain in detail isotopic tracer techniques and add a note on autoradiography. 12

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020