Download SGBAU BSc 2019 Summer 2nd Sem Environmental Science Ecology n Environment Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 2nd Sem Environmental Science Ecology n Environment Previous Question Paper

B.Sc. (Part?I) Semestcr?II Examination
(Ecology and Environment)
'I'imc : 'l'hrce Huursl [Maximum Marks : 80
1 .
Note 2? ALL questions are compulsory.
Fill in the blanks with appropriate words :
(i) V i _ is a hotspot of Biodiversity in India. '/2
(ii) Parasitism is an example of ,7 interspeci?c relationship. 5':
(iii) _ is a gaseous biogcochemical cycle. 1/:
(iv) _ is a climatic factor. 'x?:
Choose the correct alternative and rewrite the following sentences :
(i) ,7 is an example 01? commensalism. 5".-
(a) Ibndu (Orchid) (b) Cusczua
(c) Algae (d) Fungi
(ii) _ is an analytic character of community. 8'3.
(21) Abundance (b) Fidility
(c) Quadrat ((1) Presence
(iii) - _ - is the mason for biodiversity loss. ?A
(a) F oresis lites (b) Conservation
(c) Natality ((1) Species divcrsity
(iv) The ecological boundaries ufthe two different ?oristic composition is referred as
(a) Biodiversity (b) Ecotone
(c) Productivity (d) Interspeci?c Relationship
Answer in one sentence :
(i) De?ne Xeroscrc. I
(ii) De?ne Food Web. I
(iii) De?ne Ecosystem. |
(iv) De?ne Phenology. 1
Describe in brief :
Scope of ecology.
Climatic factors.
Graphic sketch of ?N? cycle.
Biotic factors.
Signi?cance of ?1" cycle.
Sketch of ?C" cycle.
YBC?15238(RC) l ((30de

Explain in brief :
(g) Parasilism. 1
(111 Biotic polcmiul. 4
(i) Age slruclurc. '1?
(j) Predat ion. 4
(.k) Natalhy and Mortality
(I) Mutualism. 4
Describe ir? brief :
(m) Presence and constance.
(n) Phcnology.
(0) Species diversity 4
(p) Frequency. 4
(L11 Community study by Qundml method. 4
(r) Dominance. ?1
Describe forest ecosystem with 11> signi?cance. 12
Dcscribc food chain in forest cumystcm? 12
Describc lllc process ()1~ succeqsion and causes of succussion. 12
Describe I?lc concept Uf i?rmluclivity. 110w productivily is mcasurcd by ChlorophylL
CO2 and 0, method '.? 12
Explain in brief:
('5) Ecological indicators 01' 50:1. 4
(1) Types of biodivcrsixy.
(u) Reasons for loss of laih?ditwrsj}.
(V) Role (:1? Biological indicamrs in Em?immncm. 4
(w) Hotspnls 0f Biodiwrsity
(x?) Global diversity: 4
152381116) ?

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020