Download SGBAU BSc 2019 Summer 2nd Sem Geology Igneous Sedimentary n Metamorphic Petrology Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 2nd Sem Geology Igneous Sedimentary n Metamorphic Petrology Previous Question Paper

B.Sc. (l?art?l) Scmcster?Il Examination
(Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic Petrology)
Time : Three Hours] . [Maximum Marks : 80
Note :? (1) All the questions are compulsory.
(2) Draw well labelled diagrams wherever necessary.
1. (A) Fill in the blanks :
(i) Rocks crystallized at great depth are called ? Igneous rocks.
(ii) Thermal metamorphism is due to a factor.
(iii) .___ is deposits built at mouth of streams usually triangular in shape.
(iv) The felsic minerals in igneous rock are __ color and , 7 in density.
(13) Choose the correct alternatives :
(i) The silica content is less than 45 % then rock is known as :
(a) Basic rock (b) Ultrabasic rock
(c) Intermediate rock (d) Acidic rock
(ii) Gneiss is :
(a) Igneous rock (b) Sedimentary rock
(0) Metamorphic rock (d) Orc
(iii) Why basalt is ?ne grained than gahbro ?
(a) Basalt has ma?c composition
(b) Gabbro has matic composition
(c) Basalt formed from quick cooling of magma
(d) Gahbro formed from quick cooling of magma
(iv) The particles or grain size of gravel :
(a) 0.1 mm to 2 mm (b) More than 2 mm
(c) less than 1 mm (d) 0.01 to 0.1 mm
(C) Answer the following in one or two sentences :
(i) What is metamorphic rock ?
(ii) What is rudaceous rock 1?
(iii) What is delta formation ?
(iv) What is phase rule 7
2. What is texture ?? Describe in detail the various textures in igneous rock.
What is igneous rock ? Describe in detail the structures in igneous rock.
YBC?l 5236(Re) l
(C Ontd.)

Explain the following :
(a) Mineralogical character 01? bnsalt. 4
(b) Assimilation. 4
(C) 'l'ubulnr ciassi?calim1 nl? 'gnvcus rock?
(p) Discontinuous reaction svrics. 4
(q) Characteristic of fclsic and m 11?12 minerals. 4
(r) fractional cwstalli/ution. 4
4. Describe in detail ternary raysmm l'f diopsidc. albilc uml anorthite. 12
Describe in detail one mmponcm system of augilc and quartz. 12
5. Explain the following :
(a) Flood plain dcposhs. 4
(b) Strati?cation. 4
(c) Clastic ssdimcmary rocks.
(pi) Gradcd Bedding. 4
(q) ['ypcs of dunes.
(r) \?on-clastic sedimentary rock; 4
6. Explain Ihc following :
(a) Dynamic metamorphism 4
(b) l?alimpsct 0r rclict tmtwe. 4
(c) Maculos: structure. 4
(p) l?hcrmal metamorphism.
(q) Agents of metamorphism.
(r) Folialcd and non-fhlialoi II?CTEiInN'phiC rock.
7, Explain the following
(a) Conglomerate.
(b) Aulomel?amorphism. 4
(c) Organic deposits 01? wd men?ary rock.
(p) Stress and anli-slrcss mincrah 4
(q) Limestone. 4
(r) Humbled schist. 4
YBC ??15236(Re) 3

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020