Download SGBAU BSc 2019 Summer 2nd Sem Geology Old Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 2nd Sem Geology Old Previous Question Paper

B.Sc. (Part?l) Semestcr?II Examination
GEOLOGY (Old) (Upto Summer?2019)
Time ; Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80
Note :? (1) Question No. l is compulsory.
(2) Solve total seven questions.
(3) Draw well labelled diagram wherever necessary.
Fill in {he blanks :
(i) Twinkling c??ect is best shown by the mineral __ under plane polarised
(ii) Bowen?s reaction series is divided into 7 21nd __ series.
(iii) Suture are the characteristic of Phyllum _ _ .
(iv) The valuable economical mineral diamond occurs in _~ super group. 2
Choose the correct answer :
(i) The light vibrates only in one plane called as :
(3) Ordinary light (b) Polarised light
(c) White light (d) None of above
(ii) The rock with higher percentage of {elsie minerals are called as :
(a) Leucocratic (b) Mesocratic
(c) Mclanocratic (d) All of above
(iii) The common rocks found in Archean super group are :
(a) Igneous Rocks (b) Sedimentary Rocks
((2) Metamorphic Rocks (d) None of above
(iv) The two valves of Brachiopod shell are joined together along a line rcffered to
as :
(a) Radial line (b) Hinge line
(c) Straight line (d) None of above 2
Answer in one or two sentences :
(i) What is pleochroism ?
(ii) What is reflection and refraction ??
(iii) What are Rain print ?
(iv) What is dextral coiling ? 4
Describe the various optical properties of Mineral under plane polarised light.
What is polarising microscope 7 Describe in detail, the parts and function of polarising
microscope. l2
YBC?-15235 1 (Contd)

(p) Physical propcrlies 01? Mu:.covite.
(q) Optical properties 01? Fcld: par.
(r) Mode of occurrence of Pyroxenc.
4. Describe the following :
(a) C.I.P.W. classi?cation.
(b) Basic Igneous rocks.
(c) Discontinuous Reactiun series?
(p) Tabular classi?cation of Ig-ncous rocks.
(q) Acidic Igneous rock.
(r) Granite-Granodiorilc.
5. Explain the following :
(a) Non-claslic texture.
(b) Current bedding.
(c) Schistose structure.
(p) Grantlosc texture.
(C1) Slate.
(r) Classi?cation of mctamurg?hic rocks,
6. Describe t?me following :
(a) Suture 01' ccphalopods.
(b) Classi?cation 01? Brachimmda.
(c) Geological history of Lalmllibranchia.
(p) Dentilion in LamcllibrancHa.
(q) Morphology of Bruch?o]?('~c?.a.
(r) Geological history of Gnslropoda.
and economic importance 33f Vindhyan super-group.
importance of Dharwar-S?uqcr group.
YBC? 15235 )
Explain the following :
(a) Physical prOperIies m? olixinc.
(b) Optical properties of Hornblendc.
(c) Mode of occurrence uf (jernet.
Describe the classi?cazion, gcrlogical distribution, lithological characters. fossil content
Describe the classi?cation, geological distribution, lithology and fossil content and economic

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020