Download SGBAU BSc 2019 Summer 1st Sem Apiculture Fundamentals Of Bee Keeping Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 1st Sem Apiculture Fundamentals Of Bee Keeping Previous Question Paper

B.Sc. Part?I (Semester?I) Examination
(Fundamentals of Bee Keeping)
Time : 'l?hrec Hours]
Note :?(1) ALL qucstions are compulsory.
(2) Question No.5 2 t0 7 carry equal marks.
1. (A) Fill in the blanks :?
(i) Apiculturc is also called as
(ii) The honey bee basically collects
(iii) Apis dorsata is popularly knoxxn as
(iv) Name of dance performed by the bees _
(B) Choose correct alternative :?
(v) What does Pollen consist of mainly ?
(a) Carbohydrate
(0) Fat
(vi) What is Varroa 1?
(a) a fungus
(c) an insect
(vii) Among honey bees, workers are
(a) Male
(c) Male & Female both
(viii)Apis dorsata refers to
(a) Rock bee
(c) Indian bee
(C) Answer in one sentence 2??
(ix) What is Apiculture ?.?
(x) What is Bee Yard or An Apiary 7
(xi) What is Drone ?
(xii) Ilow the honey bees communicate 7
Describe the following :~
(:1) Identifying features of Apisdorsata.
(b) Diversity of Bee Plants.
(c) Varieties of Bee Products.
(d) Races of Honey Bees.
(6) Identifying features 01' Apis Mcllifera.
(f) Modem hive and Queen Excluder.
YBC~ 152M 1
[Maximum Niarks I 80
None of these
a bacterium
an arac-hnid mite
F emale
None of these
Little bee
European bee

31 Describe migration routes for Bee Colonics in Vidarbha. 12
Describe the conditions 11:11 IUCICIISC yield per hive,
4. Explain the following : - 13
(g) 'l?ypcs 0f hives
(h) Comb foundation shed
(i) Bee keeping 10015.
(j) Draw a well labelled diuglam of Langstrulh's hive.
(1;) None} extractors.
(1) Bee h?vc equipments Pollen Lrap and Queen hxcluder.
5. Attempt the following ? 12
(m) Queen function in :1 P1011}
(n) Hive Slanitation
(o) Drone Breeding
(p) Types 01' Queen cell.
(.q) Cleaning and dismfecting uocdcn hives.
(r1 Worker Brood development
6. Explain the following :7 , 12
('5) Selection of ?ora
(0 Suitable location 101' Bvckceping
(u) Foraging Range 01' Bee;
(v) Choice of site of Kpiar);
(w) Knowledgc of bee plums and duration 01? Flowering
(x) Topography.
7. Describe the criteria to determine strength 01001011}: 12
Describe the needs to maintain cquny I'CCnrd.

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020