Download SGBAU BSc 2019 Summer 2nd Sem Microbiology Microbiology Biochemistry Biostatics n Computers Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 2nd Sem Microbiology Microbiology Biochemistry Biostatics n Computers Previous Question Paper

Time : Three Hours]
B.Sc. (Part?l) Scmcster?ll Examination
(Microbiology Biochemistry. Biostatistics and Computers)
[Maximum Marks : 80
Note :? (1) All questions are compulsory.
l. (a)
2. (21) Describe in briet?Binal Symmetry ofviruses.
(h) Explain the embryonated hen?s egg method for cultivation of viruses.
(c) Describe lysogcny.
((1) Describe l?ic cycle oi?rcplication.
(e) De?ne \?irion and bacteriophage.
(I) Give the classi?cation of DNA viruses.
YBC? 16539(Re) l
(2) Draw well labelled diagrams wherever necessary.
Fill in the blanks :
(i) The long form ofCPU is __ 7
(ii) Tobacco Mosaic Virus was discovered by
(iii) The structure of DNA was given by _ _
(iv) Average obtained arithmetically is called as _
Choose the correct option :
(i) BCG vaccine is used to prevent :
(:a') Smallpox (b) Polio
(c) Leprosy (d) ?l'uberculosis
(ii) (,ilucosc is example of:
(a) Disaccharide (b) Polysaccharide
(c) Monosaccharidc (d) Oligosaccharide
(iii) Input device is :
(a') Printer (h) Mouse
(c) Speaker (d) Monitor
(iv) Drugs that prevent the formation of the bacterial cell wall are :
(a) Aminoglycosides (b) ?I?etracyclincs
(c) Betalaclams (d) Quinolines
Answer in one sentence each :
(i) I )c?ne viruses.
(ii) What is disinfection ?2
(iii) De?ne mode.
(iv) De?ne antibiotic.

Enlist diiTCi?L'nl chcmical ugmh Red in microbial control 21ml iieicrihe 311) three chemical
agents. 13,
What is chemotherapeutic agcnl: Describe any two chemotherapeutic agents used in treatment
of diseases. 12
(a) Describe in bricl?biolcaching. 4
(b) Name Your microorganisms involved in food industries along with their microbial products.
(0) Write the importance of hinfex'tilizer? 4
((1) Describe in briefhiofcnili'zcr. 4
(e) De? ne Vaccine. hxplain lhc mic nl'micmnrganisms in Vaccine production with suitable
example. 4
(0 De?ne Antibiotics. Exp! 71in the types ofamihiolics. 4
Describe in detail classi?cativm i?ifcecbohydrulc: with example. 12
Describe in brief classi?cation 01? protein and explain elementary concept of protein structure.
(21) Write lhc uses ofbiostalmics. 4
(b) Explain mode with suita wlc example. 4
(c) Write he applications 01? chi?square (x L) test. 4
((1) Explair median with suiiablc example. 4
(e) Fxpiair. student ?t'-Icsl. 4
(1?) Explain in brief frequency diSIribuIion. 4
(a) Describe in brief primary memory of computer. 4
(1)) Explain output deviccs ot?computcr. 4
('c) Use of intcmet. 4
(d) Di?brcnliale between computer hardware and software. 4
(e) Describe in brief MS-erd. 4
(if) What are input devices .? Write its examplu. 4
YBC?16539(RC) ? 250

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020