Download SGBAU BSc 2019 Summer 1st Sem Biotechnology Cell Biology n Biomolecules Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 1st Sem Biotechnology Cell Biology n Biomolecules Previous Question Paper

AW?l 638
B.Sc. (Part?I) Scmcster?I Examination
(Cell Biology and Biomoleculcs)
: 'lhrcc Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80
Note :? (I) All questions are compulsory.
(2) Draw well labelled diagrams wherever necessmy.
Fill in the blanks :
(i) Eukaryotic cells have a true with nuclear envelope.
(ii) Protein part of enzyme is called
(iii) Codons are present on
(iv) Replication of DNA occurs during phase of cell cycle. 2
(B) Choose correct alternatives :
(i) Singer and Nicolson model of plasma membrane differ from Robertson model in :
(a) Number of lipid layers (b) Arrangement of Lipid layers
(c) Arrangement ofprotcins (d) Absence of Proteins
(ii) 708 ribosomes are present in :
(a?) Prokaryotes (b) Eukaryotcs
(c) Present in both (a) and (b) ((1?) Absent in both (a) and (b?)
(iii) Other than nucleus DNA is also present in :
(a) Golgi Complex (by) Ribosomes
(c) Chloroplast and Mitochondria (d) Endoplasmic reticulum
(iv) The monosaccharidc is often called as :
(a) Simplex Sugar (b) Complex Sugar
(c) Both (a) and (b) ((1) None of above 2
(C) Answer in one sentence :
(i) Who Discovered Nucleus ?.?
(ii) What is Mitosis ?
(iii) De?ne enzyme.
(iv) What are Polysaccharides ?3 4
Explain :
(:1) Concept of cell theory.
(b) Differences in Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells. 4
( c) Endosymbiont theory.
('d) Oparin ? Haldane hypothesis. 4
(0) RNA World.
(f) Exceptions to cell theory.
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YBC?l 5212
Describe :
(a) Biological role of Carbohydrates.
(b) Importance of Biomolccuies.
(0) Properties of 'l?riglycerides
(d) Properties of lipids.
(6?) General properties of organic moleculcs.
(1) Importance of Pn)l_\?sac\;h;z?idcs.
Describe :
(a) Functional aspects of IRVA
(b) Nitrogcnous basas in DNA.
(c) Classi?cation 01? enzymcs.
(d) Funct?onal aspects of mRNA.
(6) Industrial applications of enzymes.
(1?) Secondary structure 01? proteins.
Describe the ultra slructur: and function of Chloroplast in detail.
Describe the structure and function of Nucleus in detail.
Describe in detail. density gmciem and differential ccntrifugation.
Describe in detail. variouu methods vf cell lysis.
Explain :
(a) Celljunction.
(b) Inlerphase in cell cycle
(0) Appl?cations 01' stem CL?Hr.
(d) Cancer.
(e) Cell-cell signalling.
(D Prophase-II of meiosis.

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020