Download SGBAU BSc 2019 Summer 3rd Sem Computer Application OOP With Java Programming Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 3rd Sem Computer Application OOP With Java Programming Previous Question Paper

B.Sc. l?art-Il (Scmcstcr-III) Examination
(OOPS with Java Programming)
Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80
Note :?(1) ALI. questions are compulsory.
(2) Question Nos. 2 to 13 carry equal marks.
(3) Assume suitable data wherever necessary.
1. (A) Fill in the blanks : 2
(i) The smallest individual units in the program is known as __ __
(ii) ____ means data hiding.
(iii) A ,, __ _ is a collection of classes and interface.
(iv) Java supports a special type of method called v_?
(B) Choose the correct alternatives : 2
(i) Which is not a valid type of variable ?
(a) Global variable (b) Local variable
(c) Class variable ((1) Instance variable
(ii) JRE stands for :
(a) Java Running Environment (b) Java Runtimc Environment
(0) Java Runnable Enviromncnt (d) None of these
(iii) Which of these cannot be declared Static 1?
(a) Class (b) Object
(c) Variable ((1) Method
(iv) Applet arc ____ program.
(a) Clicnt sidc (b) Server side
(0) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of thcse
(C) Answer in ONE sentence : 4
(i) What is Java Virtual Machine ?
(ii) What is Applet 7
(iii) What is Array ?
(iv) What is Exception ?
2. (A) Explain the bene?ts and application of OOPS. 6
(B) Explain the tbllowing ; 0
(i) Java byte cnde
(ii) Portabilit)
(iii) Security.
YRCV 45269 I (Contd.)

Explain the following : 6
(i) Objects
(ii) Classes.
iExplain the Java development tools with suitahlc example 6
Write a program in Java to ?nd factorial of gixc. .Lic-gc: by using do-whiie
loop. 6
Explain the concept of type casting with suitable example. 6
Write a Java program to ?nd out the area m? rectangle 15ng single inheritaincc. 6
Explain aift'ercncc between do-whilc and while loop. 6
Explain the following : 6
(i) Finalize method
(ii) Abstract method.
What is overloading '.? Explain with example. 6
Explain static members with cxamptes. 6
Now (121121 membcrs of an object can be initialized ':? Ilwlnin with examplc: 6
What is Array '3 Explain one dimcrisional array with suitable cxamplc. 6
Write a program in Java for sorting; of array clement 9:1 ascending order. 6
Explain the concept of Packngc. What arc its applicatiuzw?, '? How do we use. thcm ?7 6
Explain the procedure for creating an Army. 6
Explain any three inethuds of thrcad ('33:. 6
Explain the different types of errors. 6
Explain the Java's way of exception handling. 6
Explain how to create and destroy the thread with uiituhic example. 6
Diffcrcntiaic between Jaw application program anti \pplet program. 6
Explain the procedure 01' Building Applet Coda 6
State the lite cycle 01? an Applci. 6
Explain the procedure for Writing, Apph'ts. 6
YBC? ~ 1526?)

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020