Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 3rd Sem Computer Application Visual Basic n RDBMS Previous Question Paper
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B.Sc. Part-II (Semester-III) Examination
(Visual Basic and RDBMS)
Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80
Note :? ALL questions are compulsory.
1. (A) Fill in the blanks (V2 mark each) : 2
(i) An ?7 _ is an activity performed by user towards application.
(ii) Thc __ operators lets you combine two or more sets of conditional expressions.
(iii) The number of tuples in relation called as
(iv) _ ; is used to add onc or more columns in a table.
(B) Choose the correct alternative : 2
(i) _, _ property determines how the command button responds to ESC key.
(a) Default (b) Name
(c) Caption (d) Cancel
(ii) The M helps you design menus for your application.
(a) Menu Bar (b) Tool Bar
(c) Codc Editor ((1) Menu Editor
(iii) The number of entity types that participate in a relationship is called as _ _
(a) Tuple (b) Number
(c) Counter ((1) Degree
(iv) The command is used to change the column width of an existing table :
(C) Answer in ONE sentence (1 mark each) : 4
(i) What is the use of pointer tool ?
(ii) What do you mean by nesting of loops ?.7
(iii) What is normalization 7
(iv) What is data type ?
'2. (A) What is Visual Basic ? Explain its IDE in brief. 6
(B) Explain the following : 6
(i) Menu Bar
(ii) T001 Bar.
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3. (A) Explain the- following :
(i) Project Window
(ii) Property Window.
(B) Explain form window with any six propcrtics.
4. (A) Explain command button controls with its basic properties.
(B) Explain the following ccmt'rw! with cmmplc :
(i) Lane object
(ii) Data control.
(B) Explain the dit?fcrcncc hctwcgn the t?ollmving :
(i) Check Box and Option Button
(ii) Picture Box and hugs Control.
6. Explain the following \xith sutliblc examples :
(i) Variable declarations in \'1;
(ii) Logical operators
(iii) Conditional operators.
7. (A) Explain the follmVing \Vitl' suitable example :
(i) Nested II'....Elsc statement
(ii) bested 1301...!?th
(iii) CroTo statement
(B) Expla_.n the select casc statcmcnt with syntax and suitable example.
8. (A) Descrbc architecture uf tlatabasc systcm.
(B) Explain the following terms with example :
(i) Entity
(ii) Domain
(iii) Attributes.
(A) Explain the difference between Text Box Control and Label Control.
9. (A) What are the advantages and disadvantages of Database Management System ? 6
(B) Explain 3NF with suitable example.
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11. (A) Explain the following clause with syntax and suitable example :
(B) Explain Commit and Rollback commands with their syntax and example.
12. (A) Explain the following functions with syntax and suitable example :
(i) FLOOR ( )
(ii) SOUNDEX ( _)
(iii) TO_CHAR ( )
(B) What is Join ? Explain equi-join and self?join with suitable example.
13. (A) Explain the following group functions with syntax and example :
(i) COUNT ( )
(ii) SUM ( )
(iii) AVG ( )
(B) What is data integrity ? Explain I/O constraint with example.
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Explain the data types in SQL.
Explain the following commands with syntax and example :
(iii) DROP
This post was last modified on 10 February 2020