Download SGBAU BSc 2019 Summer 3rd Sem Environemtal Science Environmental Chemistry Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 3rd Sem Environemtal Science Environmental Chemistry Previous Question Paper

B.Sc. Part-Il (Semeslcr-III) Examination
(Environmental Chemistry)
Time : 'l?hrcc Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80
Note :? ALL questions are compulsory and Question No. 2-7 carry equal marks. Draw
well labelled diagram wherever necessary.
1. (A) Fill in the blanks :
(a) ? _ is the main component of biogas. '/2
(b) DDT stands for _,- ?/2
(c) Oxygen and _ arc the energy exchange elements. ?/2
((1) Skin is made up of __ protein. ?/2
(B) Choose the correct alternatives :
(i) A solar cell is made up of __ _. ?/2
(a) Silicon (b) Titanium
(c) Magnesium (d) Te?on
(ii) Which of the following is not a food toxicant ?.? V;
(a) Preservatives (b) Flavouring agents
(c) Colours ((1) CO
(iii) __ and _ are activators and inhibitors elements. V2
(21) Na and Ca (b) U and Li
(0) Mg and Co (d) Fe and Ni
(iv) Which of the following is thc Pentosc Sugar ? 'x':
(a) Erythrose (b) Glucose
(c) Ribose (d) Galactose
(C) Answer the following in ONE sentence :
(i) De?ne OTEC. ? 1
(ii) What are trace elements ?2 1
(iii) What are enzymes ?.7 1
(iv) De?ne Biomagni?cation. 1
2. (a) Explain thc factors that affect solubility of gases in water. 4
(b) Describe the role of nitrogen and phosphorus in plants. 4
(c) Mention any four basic differences in saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbon. 4
YBC-715262 I (Could)

((1?) Give 1h; propcrlics of 11.13:; and z?cids. 4
(e) Give th': role of Mg and Ca 111 plant life. 4
(0 Oxygen as a bioelcmcnl. 4
3. (g) Givc th: classi?caiion ul? carbohydrates. 4
(h) With th: help of diagram explain mechanism of enzymc action. 4
(i) Explain any four properties )1" enzyme. 4
0) Describe properties of l?my acids. 4
(k) Discuss types of protehx. 4
(1) Explain any four propellies of Amino Acids. 4
4. (m) Explain acute and subavulc 'nxicity. 4
(11) Describe Lethal dose and Lethal concentration. 4
(0) How will you di??crcnlivuc bm-magni?calion and bio~transformation ? 4
(p) Discuss life cycle lest a< a c-xronic toxicity test. 4
(q) Explain the factor; that affect toxicity (0 human beings. 4
(r) Explain Bio-Magni?catiam. 4
5. Dcscribc route of exposure. modc of action and physiological effccts of aldrin and
BIIC. 13
What is detoxi?cation '.? Dcs;ribe the detail mechanism of detoxi?cation. 12
6? Explain structure of water in Jctai.. Discuss in detail physico-chemical properties ofwater.
What is chemical spcciation ?2? Discuss about specialion of Pb and Hg. 12
7. Explain in brief:
(5) Solar chimney. 4
(t) Signi?cance of hydro am. Wi 1d power as energy rcsources. 4
(u) Principles and signi?canx nl OTFC. 4
(V) Mechanism of hydropmwr generation. 4
(w) Mechanism ofbioalcoho pmluction. 4
(x) De?ne renewable energy sources and explain its advantages. 4
YBC?15262 2

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020