Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 3rd Sem Environemtal Science Environmental Chemistry Previous Question Paper
B.Sc. Part-Il (Semeslcr-III) Examination
(Environmental Chemistry)
Time : 'l?hrcc Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80
Note :? ALL questions are compulsory and Question No. 2-7 carry equal marks. Draw
well labelled diagram wherever necessary.
1. (A) Fill in the blanks :
(a) ? _ is the main component of biogas. '/2
(b) DDT stands for _,- ?/2
(c) Oxygen and _ arc the energy exchange elements. ?/2
((1) Skin is made up of __ protein. ?/2
(B) Choose the correct alternatives :
(i) A solar cell is made up of __ _. ?/2
(a) Silicon (b) Titanium
(c) Magnesium (d) Te?on
(ii) Which of the following is not a food toxicant ?.? V;
(a) Preservatives (b) Flavouring agents
(c) Colours ((1) CO
(iii) __ and _ are activators and inhibitors elements. V2
(21) Na and Ca (b) U and Li
(0) Mg and Co (d) Fe and Ni
(iv) Which of the following is thc Pentosc Sugar ? 'x':
(a) Erythrose (b) Glucose
(c) Ribose (d) Galactose
(C) Answer the following in ONE sentence :
(i) De?ne OTEC. ? 1
(ii) What are trace elements ?2 1
(iii) What are enzymes ?.7 1
(iv) De?ne Biomagni?cation. 1
2. (a) Explain thc factors that affect solubility of gases in water. 4
(b) Describe the role of nitrogen and phosphorus in plants. 4
(c) Mention any four basic differences in saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbon. 4
YBC-715262 I (Could)
((1?) Give 1h; propcrlics of 11.13:; and z?cids. 4
(e) Give th': role of Mg and Ca 111 plant life. 4
(0 Oxygen as a bioelcmcnl. 4
3. (g) Givc th: classi?caiion ul? carbohydrates. 4
(h) With th: help of diagram explain mechanism of enzymc action. 4
(i) Explain any four properties )1" enzyme. 4
0) Describe properties of l?my acids. 4
(k) Discuss types of protehx. 4
(1) Explain any four propellies of Amino Acids. 4
4. (m) Explain acute and subavulc 'nxicity. 4
(11) Describe Lethal dose and Lethal concentration. 4
(0) How will you di??crcnlivuc bm-magni?calion and bio~transformation ? 4
(p) Discuss life cycle lest a< a c-xronic toxicity test. 4
(q) Explain the factor; that affect toxicity (0 human beings. 4
(r) Explain Bio-Magni?catiam. 4
5. Dcscribc route of exposure. modc of action and physiological effccts of aldrin and
BIIC. 13
What is detoxi?cation '.? Dcs;ribe the detail mechanism of detoxi?cation. 12
6? Explain structure of water in Jctai.. Discuss in detail physico-chemical properties ofwater.
What is chemical spcciation ?2? Discuss about specialion of Pb and Hg. 12
7. Explain in brief:
(5) Solar chimney. 4
(t) Signi?cance of hydro am. Wi 1d power as energy rcsources. 4
(u) Principles and signi?canx nl OTFC. 4
(V) Mechanism of hydropmwr generation. 4
(w) Mechanism ofbioalcoho pmluction. 4
(x) De?ne renewable energy sources and explain its advantages. 4
YBC?15262 2
This post was last modified on 10 February 2020