Download SGBAU BSc 2019 Summer 3rd Sem Forensic Science Forensic Physics Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 3rd Sem Forensic Science Forensic Physics Previous Question Paper

Timc :
AW?l 707
B.Sc. Pnrt?II (Scmester?III) Examination
(Forensic Physics)
Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80
Note :?(1) ALL questions are compulsury.
(2) Question No. 1 carries 8 marks while each of the remaining questions carries
12 marks.
Fill in the blanks :-
(i) The Barrel consists of Muzzle and NV 7 end.
(ii) The DSLR stands for
(iii) An optical ?ber is a rod usually made of glass or clear plastic.
(iv) Pumping is used in ruby laser. 2
Multiple Choice questions :?
(i) The main components of any laser system are :
(21) Active Medium (b) The Resonator Cavity
(c) Pumping Source (d) All of these
(ii) Colour temperature is related with :
(21) ISO number (b) Shutter speed
(0) Aperture (d) White balance
(iii) Which method is used to measure barrel pressure ?2
(a) Displacement Method (b) Strain Gauge Method
(c) Electrostatic Method (d) Borderline Method
(iv) In optical ?ber, dispersion means, pulse :
(a) narrowing (b) distortion
(c) broadening ((1) None of the above
Answer in one sentence :A- 2
(i) What is Crime Scene Photography '.?
(ii) What is Balastic coef?cient ?2
(iii) What is Polarizing Microscope ?
(iv) De?ne Mctastablc State. 4
What is Laser ? State the properties of laser. 4
Explain Spontaneous and Stimulated emission. 4
Describe construction and working of Ruby laser. 4
Describe the structure of Optical ?ber and explain the phenomenon of total internal
re?ection. 4
Explain the principle used in Optical ?ber for the propagation of light. 4
Mention any four applications of Optical ?ber. 4
De?ne half life and explain nuclear properties. 4
What is Radioactive disintegration ? Derive the. relation N = No 6 4
Give the applications of Radio isotopes. 4
[5278 I (Contd.)

6. (A)
7. (P)
8. (A)
9. (1?)
10. 1A)
(C 1
11. (1))
12. (A)
13. (P1
YBC 152
Givc u brief acwum 131' nuctmr 01.111191151111111 :
(1) Nuclear Spin (ii) Nuclear size 5
State and explain principle 01? Radiometric dating; explain its types. ?'1
If decay constant of L'ranium is 0.0330 per year determine the half life period. 3
Explain any two methods ul? measurement of barrel Pressure. 4
What is ballistics ?7 \th1 are different types 01? ballistics "P 4
Explain the angle of elevation of thc barrel. 4
What is ballistic coe?iciunt and sectional density .7 4
What is Fire arm " What are different components of ?rearm 1? 4
In 12 gauge slugger shotgun whose diameter of barrel is 0.729 inch, length of barrel
is 21 inch, mass of prcjcui'e 15 437 grains, velocity 01' projectile is 1694.75 FPS. Find
out Barrel Pressure 4
What 15 DSLR (Tamera 1 xplain its working. 4
Explain Forensic Photogruyh)? with its types. 4
Give in detail Digital Photv) Imaging. 4
Explain Geiger Mullet cmmtcr. 4
Explain the following terms :
(1) Depth of ?cld
(ii) Ambient light
Explain crime sc cnc photography.
Explain the following term; 2?-
(1) Angle of ricochet
(ii) Angle of incidence
(iii) Fscape velocity. 3
Derive equation for parabolic trajectory of a bullet. 5
Explain maximum 1101171121111 and vcrlical range of shot pellets. 4
Explain lethal effects of 111 ochct bullet. 4
Explain counting and wind direction. 4
What do you mean by L111 :e:;istance and bullet drop ?7 4
Explain Compound erostmpe with its parts and properties. 4
Explain Comparison Micrmcopc. 4
Explain Scanning Hectrnn Microscope. 4
What do you mean by mmospcclrophotometcr 7? 4
Explain the terms ?
(i) Analyzer (ii) Polarizcr 4
Explain TransmiRSion ?1c1-1'vn Microscope. J,
78 2 25

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