Download SGBAU BSc 2019 Summer 3rd Sem Geology Old Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 3rd Sem Geology Old Previous Question Paper

B.Sc. (Part?ll) Semestcr-lll Examination
3S : GEOLOGY (Old)
Time : T hree Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80
Note : (1) All questions are compulsory.
(2) Draw well labelled diagrams wherever necessary.
1. (A) Fill in the blanks :? - 2
(i) Mineral bodies of elongated 0r tubular shape deposited in pre-existing ?ssures are
known as _
(ii) The 'l?rilobits are divided into , A
(iii) Worthless material associated with an ore mineral is
(iv) The constant proportion in which the two constituents simultaneously crystallisc
is called *
(13) Choose the correct alternatives : ? 2
(i) Number of segments in Thorax :
(a) 2 to 42 (b) 3?6
(c) 3 (d) None of the above
(ii) The outer wall of corallite is known as :
(a) Theca (b) Epithcca
(c) Sepia (d) Mesenteries
(iii) Primary Deposits of ore mineral are also known as :
(a) Supergene (b) IIypogene
(c) Tenor ((1) None of the above
(iv) The region in which the rate of crystallization is slow is called as :
(a) Metastable (b) Labile
(c) Solidous ((1) None 01' these
(C) Answer the following in ONE sentence :~ 4
(i) What is stock works ??
(ii) What are epigenctic deposits '2
(iii) What is triple point ?
(iv) What is Septa '?
2. Explain the following :? 12
(a) Tenor of ore
(b) Metallogenic epoch and provinces
(c) Ore farming mineral.
YBC?15259 1 (Conth)

(p) Cavity ?lling deposits
(q) Hydrothermal deposits
(r) Early Magmatlc Dgpo?its.
3. Dcscribe the oxidation and suporgenc enrichment dcposils. 1'2
Describe various types of mechmical concentration dcposils.
4. Explain the following : 1?
(21) Three componcm. sysu-m
(bl) Eutectic
(c) Concept of phase. companuxm and 35:631.
(p) Mixed crystal
(q) One component syztcm
(r) Phase rulc
Explain the following : , 12
(a) Lamprophyre and lhcir equivalents
(b) Gabbrr-Anarthosite--Peridmilc
(3c) Distribmion m' ignmu: n?c?: in spam and time.
(p) Variation Diagram
(q) Consanguinity
(r) Kindrcds 0f Igneous rock.
6. Dcscribe morphology, C1;lSSi?L'dUOIl and geological distribution of class foraminifcra. 17
Describe morphology. classi?cation and gxcological distribution of class Echinodermata.
7. Explain the following : 12
(a?) Thorax
(b) Morphology of .Anlhozna
(c) Application 01? palenmolngtic dam.
(p) Apical disc
(q) Classi?cation Of Anthoam
(r) Facial suture in Irilr-bitn.
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This post was last modified on 10 February 2020