Download SGBAU BSc 2019 Summer 4th Sem Apiculture Bee Chemistry Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 4th Sem Apiculture Bee Chemistry Previous Question Paper

B.Sc. (Part?Il) Semester?IV Examination
(Bee Chemistry)
Time : Three Hours]
[Maximum Marks : 80
Note :??- ALL questions are compulsory and questions 2 10 7 carry equal marks.
1. (A) Fill in the blanks :
(i) Bees convcn _ _ _ into honey.
(ii) Bcc collects pollen from
(iii) lloney from mix ?ora is honey.
(iv) Resin collected by mcllifcra bee is __,,
Choose correct option :
(i) Sting apparatus is located on this part of honey bee :
(a) abdomen 0)) head
(c) mouth (d) leg
(ii) Honey quality standards are ?xed by :
(a) Agmark (b) Market
(c) KVIB (d) 800 keep
(iii) 7 is raw material for honey.
(a) Pollen (b) Nectar
(c) Water ((1) Propolis
(iv) Sweet juice secreted by aphides is :
(a) honey 0)) honey dcw
(c) nectar (d) resin
Answer in one sentence each :
(i) De?ne uni?oral honey.
(ii) What is propolis ?
(iii) What is B" ??
(iv) De?ne nectar.
Explain sugars in honey as one of the components.
Give average chemical composition of nectar.
Explain bee pollen as a product of honey bees.
Explain ripened honey.
Describe ripencd honey.
Explain components of honey Other than sugars.
YBC 1530] I
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3. (g) Describe antibacterial propefties of honey. 4
(h) Explain how apiary honey 1:; more- hygcinic than squeezed honey.
(i) Explain honey dcw.
0) Descrjbe antioxidant piopcriics of honey
(k) Desenbe mulli?ora} huncy
(1) Explain types of honey.
4. Discuss fennentation and h~gruscopicity as properties of honey. 12
Discuss quality standard of hone}; give its speci?cations. Describe eEf-zct of temperature on honey
quality. 12
5. (m) Explain need to process honey. 4
(n) Explain any two value addud products of honey. 4
(0) Give average composi:ion uf wax. 4
(p) Give advantages of processing of honey. 4
(q) Give applications of bees wax. 4
(1?) Explain bleaching of wax. 4
6. Discuss collection composition zmd uses of bee pollen. 12
Discuss composition and applications of bee venom. Give account of extraction of bees venom.
7. (5) Explain source and use of royal jelly in bee colony. 4
(1) Describe uses of propolis h bee colony. 4
(u) Give average composiIion of royal jelly. 4
(v) Explain basic source of prvpolis and give its applications. 4
(w) Describe uses of royal jcll).
(x) Explain royal jelly and as propolis are bee product.
YBC-15301 2 7S

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020