Download SGBAU BSc 2019 Summer 4th Sem Bioinformatics Fundamentals Of Molecular Biology n Immune System Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 4th Sem Bioinformatics Fundamentals Of Molecular Biology n Immune System Previous Question Paper

Time : Three Hours]
B.Sc. (Part?II) Semester?IV Examination
(Fundamentals of Molecular Biology and Immune System)
Note :?(1_) All questions are compulsory.
(2) Draw well labelled diagram wherever necessary.
[Maximum Marks : 80
1. (a) Fill in the blanks :
(i) The bacterial system has ? DNA polymerases.
(ii) The site of protein synthesis is
(iii) Immunoglobulin is the principal one found in secretions such as milk.
(iv) The smallest unit of antigenicity is known as 2
(b) Choose the correct alternatives :
(i) The bacterial system has _ RNA polymerases.
(a) I (b) 2
(c) 3 (d) 4
(ii) All of the following are true of antigen except which one of the following ?
(a) They contain epitopes (b) They will react with antibodies
(c) They contain paratopcs ((1) They can elicit an immune response
(iii) Which of the following is not true for process of DNA replication ?
(a) Semiconsen'ative (b) Semidisoontinuous
(c) Unidirectional (d) Priming
(iv) The most common type of white blood cells is :
(a) Eosinophil (b) Neutrophil
(c) Basophil (d) Lymphocyte 2
(e) Answer in one sentence each :
(i) Role of topoisomerase in DNA replication process.
(ii) De?ne Vaccine.
(iii) What is Paratope '?
(iv) Name the DNA polymerase involved in replication process of prokaryotes. 4
2. Explain :
(a) Initiation of DNA replication process in prokaryotes. 4
(b) 'l?ransposable element in maize/corn. 4
(c) Mitochondrial genome organimtion. 4
(p) General features of DNA replication process. 4
(q) DNA Polymerase 1H holoenzyme. 4
(r) Features of A and B forms of DNA. 4
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3. What is genome ? Dcscribc in detml any 1w) genome sequencing mcLhods. 12
Describe the structure of ] .ac operon. Explain in detail Positive and Negutivc regulation of Lac
operon. 12
4. Explain in detail initiation, elongatim'l and termination of translation proc :55 in prokaryotes.
De?ne translamon process. Dcsc ribc n detail regulation of translation in eukaryotes. 12
5. Explain :
(a) Structure and function of IgG.
(b) Precipitation reaction.
(c) Role of lymph nodes in immunity.
(p) Structure and function of IgE.
(q) Haem-agglutination reaction. 4
(r) Role of?tl'?nus gland in in mumty.
6. Explain :
(a) Lymphoc?c traf?cking.
(b) Activated. killer cells.
(c) Humora] Immunity. 4
(p) Cell mediated immunity.
(q) MHC.
(1') Role of Dendritic cells in immunity.
7. Describe :
(a) T-Lymphatic response
(b) lnterferons and their applications.
(c) Theory of precipitation reaction.
(p) B-I.ymphatic response.
(q) lntcrleukins and their upplicatinns.
(r) 'I'heory nf agglutination rtrdCtiUn.
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