Download KUHS MBBS First Year First Year 103001 Physiology Paper I Question Paper

Download KUHS (Kerala University of Health Sciences) MBBS First Year (1st Year) First Year 103001 Physiology Paper I Question Paper.

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Q.P. Code: 103001 Reg. no.: ?
First Professional MBBS Degree Supplementary Examinations, February 2014
Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 50
? Answer all questions
? Draw Diagrams wherever necessary
Long essay (10)
1. A 40 years old man was admitted to hospital with complaints of difficulty in breathing
and shortness of breath following a head injury. Answer the following :
? With the help of diagrams describe two types of periodic breathing
? Explain the physiological basis for the changes in periodic breathing
? Describe the role of peripheral chemo receptors in regulation of normal respiration
Short essays (2x5 =10)
2. Discuss the factors affecting cardiac output and add a note on Brainbridge reflex
3. Describe the counter current multiplier in the kidney
Answer briefly (5x3=15)
4. Hypoxic hypoxia
5. Proteolytic pancreatic enzymes
6. Auto regulation of glomerlular filtration rate
7. First and second heart sounds
8. Gastric emptying time
Draw and label (2x2? =5)
9. Left Ventricular pressure changes recorded during a normal cardiac cycle
10. Effect of pH on the oxygen ? hemoglobin dissociation curve
Explain the physiological basis of the following (5x2=10)
11. Oxygen debt
12. Receptive relaxation
13. Prolonged standing results in fainting attacks
14. Prolonged action potential in cardiac muscle
15. Protective effect of vaccination
 - FirstRanker's Choice

This post was last modified on 11 November 2019
