Download KUHS MBBS 2nd Year 2013 April 202001 Pharmacology Paper II Question Paper

Download KUHS (Kerala University of Health Sciences) MBBS Second Year (1st Year) 2013 April 202001 Pharmacology Paper II Question Paper.

Code: 202001 Reg. no.: ???????

Second Professional MBBS Degree Examinations, April 2013

Pharmacology- Paper II

Time: 2 Hours Total Marks: 40
? Answer all questions
? Draw diagrams wherever necessary
Essays: (2x6=12)

1. A 60 year old lady is suffering from rheumatoid arthritis and has been prescribed
prednisolone. Answer the following:
? What is the mechanism of action of glucocorticoids.
? Name two glucocorticoids which have no mineralocorticoid activity
? Enumerate the adverse effects that you expect in this patient (2+1+3=6)

2. Enumerate macrolide antibiotics. Describe briefly its mechanism of action and mention
four uses. Add a note on linezolid. (1+2+1+2=6)

Short notes: (5x3=15)

3. Metronidazole
4. Cyclophosphamide
5. Mifepristone
6. Insulin analogs
7. Ciprofloxacin

Answer briefly: (5x1=5)

8. Omeprazole is used in peptic ulcer ? State reason
9. Mention four adverse effects of rifampicin
10. Mention two differences between tetracycline and doxycycline
11. Treatment of multi drug resistant falciparum malaria
12. Mechanism of action of acyclovir

Name two drugs for: (8x1=8)

13. Prevention of constipation
14. Systemic antifungal drugs
15. Prevention of AIDS in the new born
16. Treatment of amoebiasis (from different groups)
17. Antithyroid drugs
18. Chemoprophylaxis of surgical site infection
19. Uterine stimulants
20. Lepra reactions

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