Download KUHS MBBS 2nd Year 2013 April 204001 Haematology And Systemic Pathology Paper II Question Paper

Download KUHS (Kerala University of Health Sciences) MBBS Second Year (1st Year) 2013 April 204001 Haematology And Systemic Pathology Paper II Question Paper.

Code: 204001 Reg. no.: ???????

Second Professional MBBS Degree Examinations, April 2013

Haematology and Systemic Pathology - Paper II

Time: 2 Hours Total Marks: 40
? Answer all questions
? Draw diagrams wherever necessary

Essay: (8)

1. Classify bone tumors. Describe the gross (including x-ray appearances) and microscopic
features of the most common malignant bone tumor (3+3+2= 8)

Short essay: (6)

2. A 53 year old male presented with pain abdomen. Investigations: Hb 8g/dl TC
70,000/cmm DC N 55 L 10 myelocyte 15 metamyelo 10 band 1 eosino 6 baso 3 platelet
count 5.8 lakh/cmm. Answer the following:
? What is your diagnosis.
? Describe the peripheral blood picture and bone marrow findings in this condition
? Name the cytogenetic abnormality associated (1+4+1=6)

Short notes: (4x4=16)

3. Hemophilia
4. Hydatidiform mole
5. Papillary carcinoma of thyroid
6. Renal cell carcinoma

Answer briefly: (4x2=8)

7. List two hematological evidences of DIC
8. Basal cell carcinoma
9. Lab diagnosis of Thalassemia
10. Cholelithiasis

Answer in single sentence: (4x?=2)

11. Auer rod
12. Involucrum
13. Cirrhosis
14. Carcinoid

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