Download KUHS MBBS 3rd Year 2015 Sept 304001 Community Medicine Paper II Question Paper

Download KUHS (Kerala University of Health Sciences) MBBS Third Year (3rd Year) 2015 Sept 304001 Community Medicine Paper II Question Paper.

Q.P. Code: 304001 Reg. no.: ???????
Third Professional MBBS (Part I) Degree Supplementary Examinations,
September 2015
Community Medicine-Paper II
Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 60
? Answer all questions
? Draw diagrams wherever necessary
Essay: (10)
1. Susheela is an 18 months old girl who is brought to you with a history of diarrhea for the
past two days. Answer the following:
? What are the danger signs that you would ask or look for. ? How would you classify
the disease and on what basis ? How would you treat the child if she is unable to drink
fluids offered to her. (3+5+2=10)
Problems: (2x5=10)
2. Suresh is a 26 years old man who comes to you with a history of urethral discharge for
the past 2 weeks. As Medical Officer how will you manage the situation.
3. As the medical officer of a PHC you are asked to prepare a project to improve the
nutritional status of the children in the schools under your jurisdiction. Describe your
Short answer Question: (5x4=20)
4. Post exposure prophylaxis for category III animal bite
5. Treatment of paucibacillary leprosy in adults
6. Anti-malaria month campaign
7. Actions against sub-standard drugs
8. Tobacco control legislation
Differentiate between: (3x2=6)
9. Rubella and measles
10. Objective and goal in health planning
11. Eugenics and euthenics
Substantiate your answer with reasons: (2x2=4)
12. Goitrogens are an important reason for iodine deficiency in India
13. Mass therapy is essential for the control of filariasis
List the following: (5x2=10)
14. Role of voluntary organizations in health care
15. Steps in evaluation of health services
16. Control measures against noise induced hearing loss
17.Job responsibilities of female health worker
18. Natural methods of family planning
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