Download KUHS MBBS 3rd Year 2014 Sept 301001 Ophthalmology Question Paper

Download KUHS (Kerala University of Health Sciences) MBBS Third Year (3rd Year) 2014 Sept 301001 Ophthalmology Question Paper.

Q.P. Code: 301001 Reg. no.: ???????
Third Professional MBBS (Part I) Supplementary Degree Examinations,
September 2014
Time: 2 Hours Total Marks: 40
? Answer all questions
? Draw diagrams wherever necessary

Essay: (10)
1. A fifty-years-old man presented to the eye department with history of pain and redness of
the eye of 7 days duration. He gave history of injury to the eye with a plant material while
working in the farm. Answer the following:
? What is the probable diagnosis. ? Describe the clinical features of the condition.
? What are the investigations you order. ? How do you treat this condition.
? Enumerate the complications (1+3+2+2+2=10)
Short notes: (4x3=12)
2. Keratoconus
3. Ocular manifestations of vitamin A deficiency
4. Diabetic retinopathy
5. Buphthalmos
Draw and label: (2x2=4)
6. Cavernous sinus and its connections
7. Lacrimal drainage apparatus
Answer briefly: (5x2=10)
8. Timolol maleate
9. Zonular cataract
10. Aphakia
11. Neovascular glaucoma
12. Senile entropion
Give precise answers: (4x1=4)
13. Name four causes of loss of vision in iridocyclitis
14. Name four causes of night blindness
15. Name four methods to correct myopia
16. Name four retinal findings following a blunt trauma to the eye
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