Download KUHS (Kerala University of Health Sciences) MBBS Third Year 2017 July (3rd Year) 302001 Oto Rhino Laryngology Question Paper.
Q.P. Code: 302001 Reg. no.: ???????
Third Professional MBBS (Part I) Degree Supplementary Examinations
August 2017
Time: 2 Hours Total Marks: 40
? Answer all questions
? Draw diagrams wherever necessary
Essay: (10)
1. Enumerate the causes of sleep apnoea. Describe the etiology ,clinical features, investigations
and treatment of of the most common cause of sleep apnoea in children. (2+1+2+2+3=10)
Short notes: (4x3=12)
2. Treatment for allergic rhinitis.
3. Nasal bone fractures.
4. Bell?s palsy
5. Tracheostomy tubes.
Draw and label: (2x2=4)
6. Draw a diagram of ossicular chain
7. Draw the diagram showing structures in tonsillar bed
Answer briefly: (5x2=10)
8. Management of Bezold?s abscess
9. Cottle?s test
10. Pre auricular sinus
11. Rhinolalia aperta
12. Schwabach test.
Give precise answers: (4x1=4)
13. Boundaries of Mac - Ewen's triangle
14. woodruff's plexus
15. Gradenigo?s syndrome
16. Schwartz sign.
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