Download KUHS MBBS 3rd Year 2018 Feb 301001 Ophthalmology Question Paper

Download KUHS (Kerala University of Health Sciences) MBBS Third Year 2017 Feb (3rd Year) 301001 Ophthalmology Question Paper

Q.P. Code: 301001 Reg. no.: ???????
Third Professional MBBS (Part I) Degree Examinations February 2018
Time: 2 Hours Total Marks: 40
? Answer all questions
? Draw diagrams wherever necessary

Essay: (10)
1. Patient presents with a history of watering with mucopurulent discharge for the last six
months in the right eye. Regurgitation test positive. Answer the following:
? What is your more probable diagnosis
? Describe the anatomy
? How do you confirm the diagnosis
? What are the complications
? How will you manage the condition (1+2+2+2+3)
Short Notes: (4x3=12)
2. Lens induced glaucoma
3. Phthisis bulbi
4. Keratoplasty
5. Occlusio pupillae
Draw & Label: (2x2=4)
6. Normal fundus
7. Cross section of the angle of the anterior chamber
Answer Briefly: (5x2=10)
8. Sub-conjunctival hemorrhage
9. Aphakia
10. Iridectomy
11. Chalazion
12. Leucoma
Give Precise Answers: (4x1=4)
13. Mention two antiviral agents
14. Mention two causes of toxic amblyopia
15. Mention two syndromes associated with cataract
16. Mention two surgical types of tarsorrhaphy

 - FirstRanker's Choice

This post was last modified on 11 November 2019