Download KUHS MBBS 4th Year 2016 April 306001 General Medicine II Question Paper

Download KUHS (Kerala University of Health Sciences) MBBS Fourth Year (4th Year) 2016 April 306001 General Medicine II Question Paper

Q.P. Code: 306001 Reg. no.: ???????
Third Professional MBBS (Part II) Degree Examinations, March 2016
General Medicine ? II
(General Medicine including Dermatology, Psychiatry and Radio Diagnosis)
Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 60
? Answer all questions
? Draw diagrams wherever necessary

Essay: (2x10=20)
1. A 30 years lady presents with tingling and numbness of legs and fatigue. On examination
she has severe pallor. On examination of CNS, patient is found to have absent ankle jerk
and up going plantar bilaterally. Answer the following
 What is your probable diagnosis.
 What are the probable causes for this condition.
 How will you confirm the diagnosis.
 How will you treat this condition (2+3+2+3=10)
2. A 45 years old male presents with history cough with productive mucoid sputum for the
last three months. He had similar problem during the last winter. On examination patient is
tachyopenic, has mild cyanosis, barrel shaped chest and the liver dullness in the 8th right
intercostal space . Patient has bilateral polyphonic ronchi and scattered crepitation?s all
over the lung fields. Answer the following
 What is your probable diagnosis.
 What are the probable causes for this condition
 How will you confirm the diagnosis
 How will you treat this condition (2+2+3+3=10)

Short notes: (20x2=40)
3. Treatment of P vivax malaria
4. Amoebic colitis
5. Complications of typhoid fever
6. Post exposure prophylaxis for rabies
7. Sickle cell crisis
8. RA factor
9. Treatment of osteoarthritis
10. Scabies
11. Depression diagnostic criteria
12. Paracetamol poisoning
13. Drug toxicity of drugs used in category 1 RNTCP program
14. Treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia
15. Differential diagnosis of microcytic anemia
16. Dengue fever
17. Step care therapy in asthma
18. Management of viper bite.
19. Urticaria
20. Treatment of obsessive compulsive neurosis.
21. Prophylaxis for PCP pneumonia
22. Drugs and regimens used in anti retroviral therapy in the national programme

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