Download KUHS B.Sc Nursing First Year 2012 September 108010 Nursing Foundations Question Paper

Download KUHS (Kerala University of Health Sciences) B.Sc Nursing First Year (1st Year) 2012 September 108010 Nursing Foundations Question Paper.

OP CODE: 108010
Reg.No.: ................. .
First Year B.Sc Nursing Degree Examinations, September 2012

Time: 3 Hour


Total Marks: 100

Essay: (2x10=20)
1. Define pulse and explain the factors affecting pulse. Describe the characters of pulse.


2. Define infection and describe the modes of transmission of infections. Explain the body
defences against infections.

Short notes: (10X5=50)

3. Nursing interventions for a patient with fluid volume excess

4. Betty Newman's system theory

5. Elements of
7. Grieving Process
8. Factors affecting heat production in the body

9. Care of patients with restraints

10. Levels of prevention
11. 10.Chest physiotherapy
12.Nurses role in health promotion

13. Components of a nursing care plan

Differentiate between the following: (5x3=15)

14. Dyspnoea and orthopnoea
15.Constipation and faecal impaction
16. Disinfection and sterilization

17.Subjective data and objective data
18.Side effects and toxic effects
List down the following: (5x3=15)

19.Six common problems of bowel elimination
20.Six barriers to communication
21.Six guidelines for writing nursing diagnostic statement

22.Six physiologic changes during NREM sleep

23.Six support devices for positioning clients

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