Download KUHS B.Sc Nursing First Year April 2016 SCHEME 112010 Physiology 2016 Scheme Question Paper

Download KUHS (Kerala University of Health Sciences) B.Sc Nursing First Year (1st Year) April 2016 SCHEME 112010 Physiology 2016 Scheme Question Paper.

Q.P. CODE: 112010 Reg. No: ???????...
First Year B.Sc Nursing Degree Supplementary Examinations
April 2019

(2016 Scheme)
Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 75
? Answer all questions
? Draw diagram wherever necessary
Essay: (12)
1. Describe the transport of oxygen and carbon-dioxide in the blood. Add a note on Oxygen
Dissociation Curve. (4+4+4)
Short essays: (2x7=14)
2. Describe the different types of blood groups. Add a note on Rh incompatibility. (4+3)
3. Define cardiac cycle and mention the duration. Describe the various events in the
cardiac cycle. (3+4)
Short notes: (5x5=25)
4. Describe the waves of ECG and mention its uses.
5. Excitation-contraction coupling.
6. Composition and functions of cerebrospinal fluid.
7. Describe the mechanism of inspiration and expiration.
8. Visual pathway.
Answer briefly: (3x4=12)
9. Hormones regulating pancreatic juice secretion.
10. Neuro-endocrine reflex.
11. Spermatogenesis
Differentiate between: (3x4=12)
12. Diffusion and osmosis.
13. Counter-current exchanger and counter-current multiplier.
14. First and second heart sound

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This post was last modified on 12 November 2019