Download KUHS (Kerala University of Health Sciences) B.Sc Nursing Second Year (2nd Year) 2012 September 202010 Surgical Nursing Question Paper.
Second Year B.Sc Nursing Degree Examinations, September 2012
Surgical Nursing
Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 75
? Answer all questions
? Draw diagram wherever necessary
Essays (25)
1. Discuss the etiology and pathophysiology of ulcerative colitis. Explain the surgical
procedures used to treat ulcerative colitis and draw a preoperative nursing care plan
based on nursing process for a patient with ulcerative colitis. (2+2+5+6=15)
2. Mrs Shashi is diagnosed to have breast cancer. Discuss the following: Risk factors of
breast cancer. Types of breast cancer. Surgical management of breast cancer (2+2+6=10)
Short Notes (5x5=25)
3. Retinal detachment
4. Lung abscess
5. Epistaxis
6. Fluid therapy in burns
7. Complications of thyroidectomy
List down the following (5x3=15)
8. Three characteristics of glaucoma
9. Four purposes of preoperative medications
10. Three surgeries for chronic otitis media
11. Four surgeries for benign prostatic hyperplasia.
12. Seven warning signs of cancer
Differentiate between the following (5x2:10)
13. Bronchoscopy and bronchogram
14. Barium meal and barium enema
15.Myopia and hypermetropia
16. Billroth I and Billroth II procedure
17. Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis
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