Download KUHS B.Sc Nursing Second Year 2014 July 203010 Pharmacology Question Paper

Download KUHS (Kerala University of Health Sciences) B.Sc Nursing Second Year (2nd Year) 2014 July 203010 Pharmacology Question Paper.

Q.P. CODE: 203010 Reg. No: ???????...
Second Year B.Sc Nursing Degree Supplementary Examinations, July 2014
Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 75
? Answer all questions
? Draw diagram wherever necessary
Essays (25)
1. Classify oral hypoglycaemic drugs. Explain the mechanism of action and adverse effects of
sulfonylureas. What instructions will you give to a patient regarding the drug treatment of
diabetes mellitus. (4+6+5=15)
2. Name four drugs belonging to different groups used for the treatment of bronchial asthma.
Mention two specific adverse effects of inhalational gluco-corticoids. What advice will you give
to a patient regarding the drug treatment of bronchial asthma. (2+3+5=10)
Short notes on the following giving emphasis on nursing implications (5x5=25)
3. Digoxin
4. Mood stabilizers
5. Penicillin G
6. Proton pump inhibitors
7. Beta blockers
Dosage calculation (5)
8. Thiopentone sodium 2.5% needs to be given to a woman weighing 50 kg. Dose to be given is
5mg/kg body weight. What is the required volume of drug for injection.
Differentiate between (4x3=12)
9. Heparin and warfarin
10. Chemical name and generic name
11. Bioavailability and biotransformation
12. Intra venous and intra muscular routes of administration
Define the following (4x2=8)
13. Alkaloid
14. Pro drug
15. Inotropic drugs
16. Tocolytics
******************* - FirstRanker's Choice

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