Download KUHS (Kerala University of Health Sciences) B.Sc Nursing Second Year (2nd Year) 2013 October 201010 Medical Nursing Including Pathology Question Paper.
Second Year B.Sc Nursing Degree Examinations, October 2013
Medical Nursing Including Pathology
Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 75
? Answer all questions
? Draw diagram wherever necessary
Essays (2?15=30)
1. Define bronchial asthma. Explain the pathophysiology of bronchial asthma. Describe the
clinical manifestations of bronchial asthma. Prepare a discharge teaching plan for the patient
with bronchial asthma. (2+4+3+6=15)
2. Mr Suresh, a chronic alcoholic is admitted to the ICU with haemetemesis and fall in blood
pressure. Define cirrhosis of liver and explain the complications of cirrhosis of liver. Describe
the immediate management of Mr Suresh. (2+5+8=15)
Short Notes (6x5=30)
3. Addison?s disease
4. Parkinsonism
5. Lumbar puncture
6. Typhoid fever
7. Pemphigus
8. Normal ECG (Electrocardiogram)
Nurse?s role for the following (3x3= 9)
9. Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation
10. Bone marrow biopsy
11. Oral glucose tolerance test(OGTT)
Give reasons for the following (3x2=6)
12. Client on anti-hypertensive drugs should be cautious while moving out of bed on awakening.
13. Placing an eye-patch on an unconscious client is essential.
14. Sorbitrate tablets for a patient with acute angina pain is to be administered sublingually
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