Download KUHS B.Sc Nursing Second Year October 2016 sCHEME Medical Surgical Nursing I Question Paper

Download KUHS (Kerala University of Health Sciences) B.Sc Nursing Second Year (2nd Year) October 2016 sCHEME Medical Surgical Nursing I Question Paper.

QP Code: 212010 Reg. No:??????????
Second Year B.Sc Nursing Degree Examinations October 2018
Medical Surgical Nursing (Adult including Geriatrics) ? I
Surgical Nursing
(2016 Scheme)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75
? Answer all questions
? Draw diagrams wherever necessary
Long Essay (12)
1. Mrs. Raji, 45 years old had undergone modified radical mastectomy for cancer of
breast. List postoperative exercises following mastectomy. Describe the nursing
management of Mrs. Raji for the 1
48 hours of surgery. Explain breast self-
examination. (3+6+3)
Short Essays (2x7=14)

2. Mr. Rajan is admitted to post-operative unit following gastrectomy for cancer of
stomach. What are the risk factors of cancer of stomach. Briefly explain the
complications and its management following gastrectomy. (3+4)
3. Mrs. X is admitted with history of alleged burns. Classify burns according to the
cause of injury. What are the complications of burns in the acute phase. Which
are the formulae used to calculate fluid replacement in burn injury. (2+2+3)
Short Notes (5x5=25)
4. Complications of general anesthesia in the immediate post-operative period
5. Lung abscess
6. Inflammatory bowel disease
7. Keratitis
8. Types of splints and their indications in fracture
Differentiate between (3x4=12)
9. Myopia and hypermetropia
10. Anal Fissure and Anal Fistula
11. Hypovolemic and anaphylactic shock
List the following (3x4=12)
12. The causes of intestinal obstruction
13. Types of aneurysms
14. List the causes of epistaxis

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This post was last modified on 12 November 2019