Download KUHS BDS First Year 2019 July (2016 Scheme) 111002 General Human Anatomy including Embryology and Histology Question Paper

Download KUHS (Kerala University of Health Sciences) BDS (Bachelor of Dental Surgery) First Year (1st Year) 2019 July (2016 Scheme) 111002 General Human Anatomy including Embryology and Histology Question Paper.

QP Code: 111002 Reg. No.: ??????????

First Year BDS Degree Examinations July 2019

General Human Anatomy including Embryology and Histology

(2016 Scheme)
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 70
? Answer all questions
? Draw diagrams wherever necessary
Essays: (2x10=20)
1. Describe middle ear under the following headings:
? Boundaries ? contents ? blood and nerve supply ? applied anatomy. (3+4+2+1)
2. Describe larynx under the following headings:
? Cartilages ? muscles ? blood and nerve supply ? applied anatomy (3+3+2+2)
Short Notes: (4x5=20)
3. Extra ocular muscles
4. Mitosis
5. Investing layer of deep cervical fascia
6. Sulci and gyri of superolateral surface of brain
Brief Notes: (10x3=30)
7. Orbicularis oris
8. Facial vein
9. Middle meatus of nasal cavity
10. Blastocyst
11. Thyroglossal duct
12. Microscopic structure of compact bone
13. Chorionic villi
14. Features of Klinefelter?s syndrome
15. Pterion
16. Bell?s palsy
********************* - FirstRanker's Choice

This post was last modified on 12 November 2019