Download KUHS (Kerala University of Health Sciences) BDS (Bachelor of Dental Surgery) First Year (1st Year) 2017 August (2010 Scheme) 102002 General Human Physiology and Biochemistry Question Paper.
First Year BDS Degree Supplementary Examinations August 2017
General Human Physiology and Biochemistry
(2010 SCHEME)
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 100
? Answer all questions
? Draw diagrams wherever necessary
? Write SECTION A and SECTION B in separate Answer books(32 Pages).
Do not mix up questions from Section A and Section B.
QP CODE:102002 Section A - PHYSIOLOGY Marks: 50
Essay (14)
1. Describe the phases of gastric juice secretion and its regulation. Add a note on gastric
ulcer (6+5+3 = 14)
Short essays (2x8=16)
2. Describe the phases of cardiac cycle with the help of suitable diagrams. Explain the
pressure and volume changes occurring in left ventricle during cardiac cycle
3. Define a reflex. Draw the reflex arc and describe the properties of reflex action
Short notes (5x4=20)
4. Actions of posterior pituitary hormones
5. Re-absorption of water in renal tubules
6. Megaloblastic anemia and pernicious anemia
7. Functions of bile and gall bladder
8. Functions of middle ear
QP CODE:103002 Section B - BIOCHEMISTRY Marks: 50
Essay (14)
1. Outline the reactions of glycolysis. Calculate the energy yield during aerobic and
anaerobic glycolysis. Explain the fates of pyruvate.
(6+4+4 = 14)
Short essays (2x8=16)
2. Discuss vitamin C under the following heads: sources, RDA, functions and deficiency
3. Define: ? BMR ? specific dynamic action ? transamination
? negative nitrogen balance
Short notes (5x4=20)
4. Formation of bilirubin
5. Renal regulation of blood pH
6. Serum electrophoresis
7. Absorption of iron
8. Functions of cholesterol
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This post was last modified on 12 November 2019