Download KUHS BDS First Year 2013 February 101002 General Human Anatomy including Embryology and Histology Question Paper

Download KUHS (Kerala University of Health Sciences) BDS (Bachelor of Dental Surgery) First Year (1st Year) 2013 February 101002 General Human Anatomy including Embryology and Histology Question Paper.

QP Code: 101002 Reg.No.: ??????????
First Year BDS Supplementary Degree Examinations - February 2013
General Human Anatomy including Embryology and Histology
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 100
? Answer all questions
? Draw diagrams wherever necessary
Essays (2x14=28)
1. Describe tongue in detail under the following headings:
? external features ? muscles, its attachments and actions ? nerve supply
? development (2+8+2+2=14)
2. Describe facial nerve under the following headings: ? functional components
? extra cranial course. ? branches and distribution ? applied anatomy
Short essays (4x8=32)
3. ? structures Describe parotid gland in detail: ? external features and relations
within it ? secretormotor pathway (4+2+2=8)
4. Describe the lateral wall of nose under the following headings: ? formation ? meatus
and openings ? blood supply ? nerve supply (2+3+1?+1?=8)
5. Describe the muscles of pharynx in detail (8)
6. Describe muscles of mastication: ? origin ? insertion ? nerve supply
? action (2+2+2+2=8)
Short notes (10x4=40)
7. Styloid apparatus
8. Pterygo palatine ganglion
9. Microscopic structure of hyaline cartilage
10. Notochord
11. Sternocleidomastoid
12. Palatine tonsil
13. Down syndrome
14. Corpus callosum
15. External jugular vein
16. Derivatives of first pharyngeal arch
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